RESTON, VA – A study just released by the Media
Research Center reveals the big three networks have covered unknown Capitol
Hill staffer Elizabeth Lauten’s Facebook post – about how President Obama’s
daughters looked and acted at an official event – almost twice as much
as ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber’s “stupid voters” comments.
The study found that ABC, CBS, and NBC have given Lauten’s post a total of 14 minutes, 13 seconds versus the scant 8 minutes, 20 seconds of total coverage for Gruber since November 9 on their morning and evening news shows. While CBS, NBC, and ABC waited four days, eight days, and nine days to cover Gruber, both ABC and NBC wasted no time on Lauten covering the story on their Sunday broadcasts, with CBS joining the party on Monday.
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell reacts:
“This is beyond ridiculous. The networks rushed to cover a Hill staffer’s silly comments on Facebook, but waited more than a week to cover an ObamaCare architect’s serious admission that voters were deceived about a policy that affects every American; and they gave almost twice as much coverage to the silly story than to the serious story.
“The networks’ shamelessness in covering for Obama – ignoring huge news that has deep impact on all Americans while looking for any angle, no matter how trivial, to attack his critics – seemingly reaches a new low every couple of weeks.
“Until ABC, CBS, and NBC start covering genuine Democrat scandals as eagerly as they cover Republican missteps, they will continue to be nothing more than DNC-TV.”