Alexandria, VA-Today, on Capitol Hill, the Media Research Center along with Americans for Tax Reform and the Health Care Freedom Coalition sponsored an event showcasing Sen. Jim DeMint, Rep. Tom Price and key health care experts who discussed the alternatives to and the pitfalls of President Obama's health care proposal. MRC Communications Director Seton Motley provided an explanation for the event.
Last week, the MRC's Business & Media Institute found that over the past six months, ABC News has featured Obama or supporters of his plan 55 times compared to 18 times for critics of his plan.
Sen. DeMint explained what he would have said if he had been invited by ABC to participate in their evening health care program.
Also, today, the MRC is launching a new website that exposes what the liberal "news" media are not telling the American public about President Obama's health care plan. All the details are at
"ABC isn't permitting much conservative participation in the 'conversation' they are 'moderating' with President Obama tonight. So working with Americans for Tax Reform and the Health Care Freedom Coalition, we offered the other side of the debate ABC should be showcasing for their viewers," Motley said.
Last week, the MRC's Business & Media Institute found that over the past six months, ABC News has featured Obama or supporters of his plan 55 times compared to 18 times for critics of his plan.
Sen. DeMint explained what he would have said if he had been invited by ABC to participate in their evening health care program.
"No American should be forced into a government-run system that limits their choices and rations their care. Democrats' answer to every crisis is more and more government, but there is a better way that puts patients first, not bureaucrats. By giving all Americans choice and access to the same tax benefits we give to people through their employers, we can cover more uninsured Americans than the Democrat plan, in half the time, and at no additional cost to taxpayers," DeMint said.
Also, today, the MRC is launching a new website that exposes what the liberal "news" media are not telling the American public about President Obama's health care plan. All the details are at