Despite a combined eight hours of available air time, NBC's Today , ABC's Good Morning America and CBS This Morning on Friday ignored a bombshell new book claiming that a CIA official delayed a rescue attempt for the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi. Instead, the networks devoted 66 minutes to the death of Joan Rivers. Two of the co-authors of 13 Hours , men who were on the ground in Benghazi, appeared on Fox News, Thursday and insisted that the delay was deadly. Special Report host Bret Baier talked to Kris Paronto and John Tiegen, CIA security operators who told... continue reading
On Wednesday, the New York Post reported that in addition to Matt Lauer's $20 million annual salary, NBC News recently agreed to start flying the Today co-host back and forth from work to his lavish estate in the Hamptons. Such details of Lauer's one percent lifestyle stand in stark contrast to the common-man image he projects on the morning show. In fact, Lauer has frequently used his media pulpit to preach liberal talking points on class warfare and income redistribution. Here is a sampling of his worst moments of wealth hypocrisy at the anchor desk: 'Rich Are Getting Richer,' Shouldn't... continue reading
The IRS targeting scandal has all the intrigue of a political thriller. First it was the missing e-mails, then destroyed hard drives and now a missing person in the form of one-time Lois Lerner underling Andrew Strelka. On September 3, Republican Congressman Jim Jordan sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder demanding to know, by a Friday deadline, the information on the whereabouts of Strelka. In the letter Jordan suggested the Department of Justice was hiding Strelka from the House Oversight Committee investigating the IRS-targeting scandal. Incredibly, this accusation has yet to be covered by any of the Big... continue reading
The evening newscasts for the major broadcast networks came and went on Thursday night and ABC, CBS, and NBC refused to cover a new poll from Gallup that showed President Barack Obama’s approval rating at 38 percent. After the CBS Evening News made mention of a CBS News poll on Tuesday showing only 36 percent of Americans approving of how Obama was doing his job when it came to foreign policy, it reverted back to joining ABC and NBC in ignoring any and all polls concerning President Obama and his job performance. The poll, which was taken over a two-day... continue reading
Late Thursday afternoon, The Wall Street Journal reported that a hacker broke into a portion of the government-run website back “in July and uploaded malicious software” to the site that people in 36 states use to enroll in health care coverage. When it came to the major broadcast networks covering this story on their evening newscasts on Thursday night, they chose to avoid the story completely. ABC, CBS, and NBC combined for zero coverage of the latest piece of bad news for ObamaCare and is no surprise for a liberal media that has provided plenty of cover for ObamaCare... continue reading
Liberal journalists are fond of assailing conservatives as a bunch of birthers and conspiracy kooks, but don't seem to have a problem with hiring individuals who embrace the belief that the United States government had something to do with the September 11th, 2001 terror attacks. Huffington Post editor Arianna Huffington announced on Wednesday that 9/11 truther Donte Stallworth has been hired to cover national security. In 2009, Stallworth tweeted, "NO WAY 9/11 was carried out by 'dying' Bin Laden, 19 men who couldn't fly a damn kite. STILL have NO EVIDENCE Osama was connected, like Iraq." The former NFL player,... continue reading
Don Lemon surprisingly shot down a common moral equivalency argument in defense of the Islamic faith during a panel discussion on Wednesday's CNN Tonight . Lemon asked, " Is Islam a more violent religion than other faiths? " When CNN analyst Tom Fuentes answered, " Yes, it must be ," guest Arsalan Iftikhar retorted by playing up that " Christian extremist organizations ... have bombed gay nightclubs and ... abortion clinics in the name of Christendom ." The CNN anchor interrupted Iftikhar as he made that talking point, and zeroed in on the vastly different death tolls between abortion clinic... continue reading
Appearing on Tuesday’s edition of PBS’s Charlie Rose show, Game Change co-author Mark Halperin said Hillary Clinton’s poor performance during her recent book tour was nothing to worry about because “She’s still so far and away the class of the field.” His writing partner John Heilemann agreed and added: “If you think about Hillary Clinton’s story over her life, there’s a lot of material there to work with. She has a compelling story to tell. She’s not yet told it.” Not yet told it? How many memoirs does Heilemann think Clinton needs to tell her “compelling story?” The following are... continue reading
While both NBC's Today and CBS This Morning on Thursday highlighted Republicans and Democrats in Congress taking President Obama to task for failing to have a strategy to combat the ISIS terror network, ABC's Good Morning America skipped any mention of the growing bipartisan frustration with the White House. On This Morning , correspondent Nancy Cordes reported: "Lawmakers from both sides tell us they believe the President has the authority to act right away....they want to see signs that he is crafting a plan and they want the White House to share that plan with them as soon as possible....[they]... continue reading
ABC officially announced on Thursday that liberal actress Rosie Perez will join liberal comedienne Rosie O'Donnell and Sarah Palin-Basher Nicolle Wallace as the three new hosts of The View . The female-oriented chat show will now have no conservative voice for its 18th season, debuting in September. In 2012, Perez campaigned for Barack Obama and starred in an ad bashing Mitt Romney. In the spot, she sneered , "Unfortunately for you, Mitt, you were cursed with the hard-knock life of growing as up the son of a wealthy governor and auto executive." The actress also appeared on Al Sharpton's MSNBC... continue reading