Reporting on the latest in Ferguson, Missouri for Tuesday night’s CBS Evening News , CBS News correspondent Vladimir Duthiers interviewed a St. Louis detective on what Missouri state law states regarding the ability of law enforcement to use deadly force. After reading from the law directly, Duthiers opined to the detective that it “[s]ounds to me as if the cops are protected no matter what they do.” To Duthiers’s comment, detective and St. Louis County Police Association president Gabe Crocker responded that police officers are not “protected by a blanket policy where they can just shoot people and get away... continue reading
On Tuesday evening, NBC Nightly News offered a soft news brief on the scandal-ridden Veterans Affairs (VA) Administration by promoting President Barack Obama’s calls that the VA’s many issues will be fixed on his watch. In addition, substitute anchor Lestor Holt made quick mention of an inspector general’s report that the actions of the agency in delays in veterans waiting for care did not result in any veteran’s death. What NBC Nightly News failed to mention in their one-sided report was that skepticism surrounding the VA remains as both widows of veterans who died awaiting care and one of the... continue reading
It's not surprising that MSNBC's Chris Matthews would frame the racial unrest in Ferguson through a political lens. The liberal host on Monday brought on two prominent Democrats to plot strategy on how the fallout from the Michael Brown shooting could be appropriated. After pointing out that the teen's death "might have political implications this coming November," he wondered, "...Could anger over the Brown case motivate more African-American voters to turn up this November?" [ MP3 audio here .] To discuss this, Matthews, a former Democratic operative, brought on Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings and Democratic pollster Margie Omero. It wasn't... continue reading
On the heels of a Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyer admitting to Judicial Watch that Lois Lerner’s missing e-mails do exist comes another stunning revelation. On Monday evening the New York Observer reported “the IRS destroyed Lerner’s Blackberry after it knew her computer had crashed and after a Congressional inquiry was well underway.” Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network coverage of this fishy behavior on the part of the IRS and Lerner? 0 seconds. There hasn’t been a single story on the Blackberry destruction or the DOJ lawyer’s admission of the existence of Lerner’s e-mails on any of the Monday... continue reading
Appearing at the end of MSNBC's The Daily Rundown on Tuesday, NBC News NASA correspondent Jay Barbree wished host Chuck Todd good luck in becoming moderator of Meet the Press, hailing the chief White House correspondent: "...when God was making Chuck Todd, he was disturbed for a moment, he got distracted, and he looked back and he'd made his heart twice his size." [ Listen to the audio ] Barbree continued: "And that's what Chuck's going to bring back to the show. He's going to bring back heart, good taste, fairness. It's always had that, that's why it's on the... continue reading
For the second day in a row , CBS did its best to hype opposition to fast food chain Burger King after it announced plans to purchase Canadian coffee and doughnut chain Tim Hortons and relocate to Canada to lower its tax burden. On Tuesday, CBS This Morning fill-in anchor Anthony Mason introduced a segment by boosting how “main street and some in Washington are fuming about the fast food giant's move to Canada.” Mason then turned to Jan Crawford who did note that “by moving its headquarters from Miami to Canada, Burger King would be relocating in a country... continue reading
Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton appeared on the Fox News Channel (FNC) Monday afternoon and informed viewers that a Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney admitted to his organization on Friday that the e-mails belonging to former IRS official Lois Lerner that were thought to be lost likely still exist. He declared to FNC’s Shannon Bream that the story of Lerner’s hard drive being damaged and destroyed and thus her e-mails were permanently lost has “all been a pack of malarkey” and “a big lie.” When it came to the major broadcast networks covering this huge story on their Monday evening... continue reading
MSNBC contributor Michael Eric Dyson is no stranger to effusive, over-the-top lobbying for Barack Obama. But on Saturday, he went so far that even fellow liberal host Melissa Harris Perry couldn't believe it. Dyson called on the President to speak out more about the rioting in Ferguson, Missouri comparing, "I'm a Christian preacher and God finally said, 'look, I can't send nobody else. I got to go myself.'" Dyson continued, "And I ain't saying that Obama is Jesus, but for many of his followers he is." [MP3 audio here .] This comment was too much for Perry. She started laughing... continue reading
The latest bombshell in the IRS scandal has landed. On Monday, Judicial Watch’s president Tom Fitton told FNC’s Shannon Bream that a Justice Department attorney told them the missing Lois Lerner e-mails do exist. Appearing on FNC’s The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson , Fitton announced: “A Department of Justice attorney told a Judicial Watch attorney on Friday that it turns out the federal government backs up all computer records in case something terrible happens in Washington and there is a catastrophe....So everything we’ve been hearing about scratched hard drives, about missing e-mails of Lois Lerner, other IRS officials, other... continue reading
In a testament to how slanted MSNBC's coverage of the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri has been, Democratic state senator and left-wing bomb-thrower Maria Chappelle-Nadal praised the channel's activist coverage of the story during an appearance on Monday's Jose Diaz-Balart : "I have to tell you that because your network has been here, a lot of truths have come to light. If the national media was not here, everything would be brushed under the rug.... we would not be able to hear the stories of police officers who have called us and treated us like animals." [ Listen to the audio... continue reading