
In a similar theme to what aired on NBC’s Meet the Press , ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos used Hillary Clinton’s visit to Iowa as an opportunity to play up liberal dissatisfaction with the potential 2016 presidential candidate. ABC’s Jonathan Karl traveled to Indianola, Iowa to speak with retiring Democratic Senator Tom Harkin ahead of his annual Harkin Steak Fry event. During the interview, Karl asked “were some progressives a little uneasy with Hillary Clinton? I mean, is she going to be too hawkish on foreign policy? Is she going to be too moderate on economic issues?” After Karl... continue reading
Hillary Clinton traveled to Iowa on Sunday for the annual Tom Harkin Steak Fry and NBC’s Andrea Mitchell traveled with her as the former Secretary of State continues her unofficial campaign for the 2016 Democratic nomination for president. During an appearance on Sunday’s Meet the Press , moderator Chuck Todd introduced Mitchell by playing up how despite Hillary having “the best resume” it “may not be enough for many in a Democratic Party that is increasingly tilting to the left.” Mitchell then began her Hillary segment by playing up how “at the Smokey Row coffee house in Des Moines, Clinton... continue reading
Thursday night’s edition of ABC World News Tonight with David Muir included a report from ABC News correspondent Clayton Sandell on the growing problem in Colorado with law enforcement encountering motorists that are driving while high on marijuana in the time since the state legalized its recreational use after voters approved it in 2012. However, at the end of his report, Sandell pointed out that, in a piece that otherwise spotlighted the dangers of marijuana, “different studies disagree on whether stoned drivers are actually causing more crashes.” After that, he made another pot joke following video of a police officer... continue reading
On the September 9 Charlie Rose show Bill Maher pronounced that Barack Obama “ will be treated in history very kindly” because future generations will realize “he’s dealing obviously with things that no other president had to ever deal with.” When Rose asked Maher if he meant the bad economy and ISIS Maher agreed and then added that because Obama is black his political opponents “hate him in a way they never hated before.” Maher then explained his political foes like Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and Fox New’s Bill O’Reilly would: “never recognize it or admit it, but it is... continue reading
PBS's Tavis Smiley shamelessly invoked Dr. Martin Luther King on Thursday's CNN Tonight , as he commented on the ongoing controversy surrounding the shooting of Michael Brown: " It underscores that Martin [Luther] King was right about what he called the 'triple threat' almost 50 years ago.... He said what's threatening our very democracy is what he called the triple threat of racism, poverty, and militarism. What we saw in Ferguson was racism, poverty and militarism ." [MP3 audio available here ; video below ] Smiley added that this apparent "triple threat" is a "burden that all of us in... continue reading
The mother of a beheaded American is speaking out against the Obama administration, slamming the "appalling" handling of her son's kidnapping and death. Diane Foley's comments follow the declaration by Steven Sotloff's family that the government treated them like " pawns ." Just as in that case, ABC and NBC ignored the aggrieved family. Talking to CNN's Anderson Cooper on Thursday, Mrs. Foley announced, "As an American I was embarrassed and appalled. I think our efforts to get Jim freed were an annoyance." She added, "Jim would have been saddened. Jim believed until the end that his country would come... continue reading
On Friday, all three network morning shows seized on reports that Sarah Palin and her family were "caught in a massive brawl" during a house party in Anchorage, Alaska. ABC's Good Morning America opened with substitute co-host Lara Spencer declaring: "One witness saying it was like an episode of Jerry Springer, her kids throwing punches. What sparked this rumble in the tundra?" The song Eye of the Tiger was heard playing in the background. [ Listen to the audio ] In the full report that followed on GMA , correspondent Paula Faris pushed the tabloid story: "According to the Washington... continue reading
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer interviewed President Obama’s National Security Adviser Susan Rice during Thursday’s edition of The Situation Room and neglected to bring up the second anniversary of the tragic attack in Benghazi, Libya that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, foreign service officer Sean Smith and CIA contractors Tyrone Woods and Glenn Doherty dead. Instead, the nearly eight-and-a-half-minute interview discussed President Obama’s speech to the nation from Wednesday night on ISIS and reaction to Diane Foley speaking to CNN’s Anderson Cooper about how she believed that the United States did not do enough to save her son Jim before he was... continue reading
CBS’s Bob Schieffer on Thursday night used the 9/11 anniversary as a chance to chastise Presidents Bush and Obama for making declarations that the war on terrorism had been won, but two and a half years ago Schieffer himself championed the Obama administration’s campaign boast. (Video shows Schieffer this year and in 2012) “Two years after 9/11, George Bush stood beneath a huge sign declaring ‘Mission Accomplished,’ but, of course, it wasn't,” Schieffer declared on the CBS Evening News in misrepresenting the sign which only meant the crew of the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln had completed their mission. CBS’s... continue reading
On Thursday’s NBC Nightly News , senior White House correspondent Chris Jansing provided not only spin favorable to President Obama a day after his prime time speech on ISIS, but also suggested that this could help the President in the midterm elections. At the conclusion of her report, Jansing told viewers: "It's a war the President inherited with decisions made now shaping his legacy and his successor's as well. Something else to watch, while it's too soon to tell how voters will react to the President's plan from last night, if they rally around the Commander-in-Chief it could impact the... continue reading