Bozell's Column

During the Bush years, network news air time was loaded with criticism of George W. Bush for every foreign-policy development. His policies either caused the crisis, or worsened an existing crisis, or, in the case of Iraq, both. Everything Team Bush did was either bumbling, dishonest, blatantly unconstitutional, or horrendously costly in lives and treasure. "Bush lied, thousands died." That was the vile mantra of the ultra-left, but never denounced as vile by the news media, perhaps because so many agreed with that sentiment. Bush had ruined America’s image in the eyes of the world. Even when things were looking... continue reading
Anyone who thinks the cultural Left is going to stop its political correctness with the Washington Redskins isn’t reading USA Today. On the top of their Sports front page on July 22, the paper reported on activists taking a stand against “redface,” championing a group called Eradicating Offensive Indian Mascotry. The thought police have turned on the sirens. The group’s creator, Jacqueline Keeler, now equates “redface” with “blackface,” and wants all headdresses and other “culturally insensitive” costumes and makeup banned, followed by banning all Indian team names, since they allow fans to “play Indian” with war paint and headdresses and... continue reading
Hillary Clinton’s $35 doorstop of a memoir is a flop. It was a best-seller to hard-core Democrats, but her advance is estimated at $14 million, which means Simon & Schuster is taking a bath in the hopes of publishing a future president. Worse yet, The Washington Post reported that according to an measurement of which electronic books are most-read, Hillary’s book came in dead-last among recent political books. Every time people highlight something in a book on their Kindles, Amazon records that data. By that measure, most readers barely started it. “The deepest into Hard Choices the popular highlights... continue reading
For those who predict the coming collapse of Western civilization, there’s always MTV for proof. At this year's Television Critics Association summer tour in Hollywood, MTV put on a panel discussion for the press with the cast and creators of a forthcoming series called "Happyland." The female star of the show, actress Bianca Santos, announced the new MTV motto: “Incest is hot, and we’re going to have fun!” Lisa de Moraes at the Deadline Hollywood website reported the pilot episode of this “soapy teen comedy" -- remember that: this is a show for teenagers -- this show "exploring the underbelly... continue reading
Attorney General Eric Holder granted an exclusive interview to ABC’s “This Week” from London, where he was portrayed by ABC as deeply concerned about the global terrorist threat. What stands out from this very rare session – Holder hasn’t been on Sunday network television in four years – is that Holder pulled out the oldest, lamest card in the Obama political deck: Obama and he are opposed by people who should be suspected of racism. And darned if he didn’t get away with it again. Pierre Thomas, ABC’s Justice Department correspondent, interviewed Holder, and asked him why he believes they... continue reading
Dinesh D’Souza shocked the movie world in 2012 with his anti-Obama documentary "2016," which became the second highest-grossing documentary in U.S. movie history. On July 2, he unveiled his new documentary called "America: Imagine the World Without Her." It has already grossed $5 million in its first week.. One fictional competitor, the abortion-promoting comedy “Obvious Child,” barely grossed $2 million in its first month. But there’s a more dramatic contrast. Film critics are supposed to judge art, but their liberal politics are smeared all over their reviews. collects and analyzes movie reviews. “Obvious Child” drew a high score... continue reading
MSNBC host Chuck Todd assembled a panel of liberal-media veterans on his morning show “The Daily Rundown” Monday and joked that the assembled heavyweights presented “a nightmare scenario for Brent Bozell.” But what these journalists proceeded to issue was a devastating indictment of the Obama presidency and a real nightmare for this president. Carolyn Ryan, the Washington bureau chief of The New York Times, brought up “the national funk we’re in, the sort of national malaise.” The word “malaise” is never a good word to be around if you’re the president. But for Obama, who is now seen in polls... continue reading
In the Bush years, liberals were routinely shock-and-awed that the Bush administration would obliterate their sacred wall of separation between church and state. They frowned on federal faith-based initiatives and worried about the bureaucracy being invaded by frightening people with college degrees from Christian schools like Liberty University or Regent University or Catholic University. Government was no place to be spreading a dangerous Christian majoritarianism with a swaggering certitude that wouldn’t tolerate opposing views and respect minority opinions. The media presented the Bushies as – to quote a slur from NBC anchor Brian Williams – “anti-gay, pro-Jesus, and anti-abortion, and... continue reading
Barack Obama treats the press like a spoiled child treats his parents. Despite the pampering, he just keeps complaining about them until he gets his way. As America tires of his inflated sense of self-importance while the economy limps and his foreign policy crumbles, Obama travels around the country complaining that the mean old media isn’t complimentary enough. At an event with big donors in May in Chicago, Obama lamented that he – the very essence of reason and nonpartisanship -- is lumped in with a fanatical Congress in a tale of gridlocked Washington. "You’ll hear if you watch the... continue reading
There’s a new card game making the rounds that’s designed to offend. What does it say about our culture that this marketing strategy actually works? “Cards Against Humanity is a party game for horrible people,” reads the game’s website. “Unlike most of the party games you’ve played before, Cards Against Humanity is as despicable and awkward as you and your friends.” The game’s concept is simple: A dealer issues a black fill-in-the-blank card, and using their a handful of white answer cards, players try to come up with the funniest (and often most offensive-sounding) combination. The player who accomplishes that... continue reading