When America was hit on 9-11, the world united around us. France just had its 9-11, and again the civilized world has come together, all except the United States. Where were America’s leaders as the rest of the world united? The reaction to Islamic terrorists killing 17 people in Paris in the name of their radical creed has been greeted with a very strange perceived need to deflect or just dismiss it in liberal political and media circles. Most journalists tried to downplay or ignore Obama’s failure to attend the huge Sunday “unity” rally in Paris, where 40 world leaders... continue reading
Ask anyone under 40 to identify Paul McCartney or “I Want to Hold Your Hand,” and the odds are you'll get a blank look in return. Ask someone under 30 to describe the Soviet menace and you may well get the same response.The first one is harmless ignorance, and some might argue the second one is as well. After all, it's over and we won, right? What’s not harmless is a never-ending effort to glorify communist conspirators in Hollywood, like the forthcoming movie “Trumbo,” starring “Breaking Bad” star Bryan Cranston as blacklisted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo. Entertainment Weekly magazine spewed the... continue reading
During the Christmas season, the national media hoped to once again dip the entire Republican Party in the mire of David Duke and other racists, to spread that taint across the political landscape. Republicans fought back with Obama’s long association with his racist Reverend Jeremiah Wright, which the media worked hard to erase as utterly irrelevant. But here’s someone who hasn’t been removed from the spotlight around Obama. We recently found an amazing video The New York Times made about Al Sharpton, the unrepentant racial hoax-exploiter. Sharpton has never suffered from ruining reputations and causing strife over teenager Tawana Brawley’s... continue reading
At this point in George W. Bush's presidency, Hollywood uncorked a barrel of anti-Iraq-war movies, all of them in their varying styles trashing the American military or intelligence agencies as vicious murderers, rapists, and all-around freedom-tramplers. Most were duds because the public wanted nothing to do with those messages. But oh, did the critics love 'em. In Obama's "fourth quarter," as he calls it, Clint Eastwood has released his movie "American Sniper," starring Bradley Cooper as Chris Kyle, a NAVY Seal who survived four tours of duty in Iraq and was credited with an astonishing 160 confirmed kills. The story... continue reading
In the fall of 2007, President Bush offered an interview on race relations to National Public Radio correspondent Juan Williams, but NPR declined the invitation. Ellen Weiss, the news boss at the time (who was deposed in the controversy after she fired Williams three years later), demanded that an NPR anchor do the interview. The Williams interview with the president aired on Fox News, and not on NPR. That sense of feisty independence does not extend to President Obama. When he grants an interview to an NPR anchor, it has all the dramatic tension and hostility of a cappuccino klatch... continue reading
Looking back at our popular culture in 2014, it appears that Hollywood’s power is on the wane. Politically, the leftist celebrities and the “Rock the Vote” gang couldn’t help dig the Democrats out of their rut. Even that paragon of permissiveness Sandra Fluke couldn’t exploit her Limbaugh-victim aura to win a state Senate seat in libertine California. The year’s biggest loser was Sony, which looked pathetically powerless in the wake of North Korea’s hack attack. Worst yet was the people involved. A clearly frustrated George Clooney announced there was no one in that industry willing to sign a letter condemning... continue reading
No parent wants to consider the travesty that when he sends his 18-year-old daughter to college, she could be vulnerable to sexual assault. But in the increasingly punitive atmosphere surrounding sexual-assault allegations, he should also fear sending his 18-year-old son to campus, where he may be falsely accused of rape. The national media are deeply feminist. Their default position is the presumption that “the victim” is the female accuser. Some pundits have even argued in national newspapers that the accuser should be “automatically believed.” This is a serious problem for the Left. First, they are the ones who have been... continue reading
Last year, Philadelphia abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell stood trial in Philadelphia for the deaths of one woman and seven babies who had their throats slit, but national reporters didn’t want to cover it. It’s a “local crime story,” they said. Washington Post media blogger Erik Wemple said that when he asked national reporters about avoiding the Gosnell story, the typical response was “Get out of my face with this agenda-driven stuff, and come back when you have a real story.” Ferguson, Missouri is merely the latest proof that a “local crime story” can be elevated to national news -- when... continue reading
On an interview tour for his new book on President Obama, NBC’s Chuck Todd told Larry King that his conversations with Obama are “very nourishing.” Even after six or seven years of adoration, reporters still sound like then-NBC reporter Lee Cowan admitting in 2008 that being assigned to the Obama campaign made his “knees quake.” He wondered if “he could do the campaign justice,” since it was “truly historic.” With conservatism on the ascent again and Obama’s legacy in tatters, it doesn’t take psychic powers to guess the 2016 presidential cycle is going to be another brutal campaign for GOP... continue reading
Liberals have this terrible and annoying habit of congratulating themselves for their intellectual heft merely because they hold liberal views. Once this arrogant notion reigns, it’s tough for liberals to acknowledge when one of their own says something so remarkably unfactual and stupid that it makes you wonder just how ignorant the liberal really is. At an event for Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate Martha Coakley in Boston on October 24, Hillary Clinton told the assembled Democratic faithful: “Don’t let anybody tell you that, you know, it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.” This makes about as much sense as “Don’t let... continue reading