Hollywood and global-warming panic have always been a natural match. After all, who can tell you better to cut back on your wasteful ways better than a high-flying multi-millionaire movie star with the carbon footprint of a Tyrannosaurus Rex? It's never mattered that the stars have all the scientific expertise of Pee Wee Herman. They're just so good-looking and famous, who cares? PBS broadcast a ten-hour series in 1990 entitled Race to Save the Planet. The show's host was Meryl Streep, who proclaimed: "By the year 2000...the Earth's climate will be warmer than it's been in over 100,000 years. If... continue reading
Liberals claim to be the world's boldest defenders of freedom of expression, which is, of course, nonsense. Here's another canard: Liberals also claim to be the most offended against anyone "blaming the victim." What liberals possess is an ideological system which identifies favored groups as victims, and supports squelching the free speech of anyone challenging them. One of those favored groups are Muslims. Over the weekend, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) held the Muhammad cartoon contest in Dallas, obviously a provocative event. But it wasn't meant to result in two Islamic extremists showing up with assault rifles, and shot... continue reading
Liberals still glow when they talk about comedian Stephen Colbert ripping into President Bush at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in 2006. He told Bush they were alike. “We're not brainiacs on the nerd patrol,” Colbert announced. “I give people the truth, unfiltered by rational argument. I call it the ‘No Fact Zone.’” Nothing like that has happened to Obama at these dinners. At this late date in Obama’s tenure, the process seems entrenched: they giddily await his performance and when it’s over, salivate over it. It’s rather embarrassing, actually. This year’s guest comedian, Cecily Strong (from “Saturday Night Live”)... continue reading
While Hillary Clinton hates doing Sunday shows – as we remember from the weekend after Benghazi – she did allow her close friend Gov. Terry McAuliffe to appear on Meet the Press on April 19. Jaws dropped when NBC host Chuck Todd threw him a real Russert-like hardball, quoting from his 2007 memoir What A Party! "This is Hillary Clinton," said Todd. "This is you quoting her in your book. ‘They had bankrupted us totally. We owned nothing. We didn't own a car. We didn't own a house. Here we were, 50 years old and we owned nothing. No-thing! All... continue reading
It is fair to say that Hillary Clinton is as liberal as Ted Cruz is conservative. This will explain why our so-called "objective" media are already treating Hillary as the Third Coming (Obama was #2) while Cruz merits hide-your-children alarms. Just the adjectives give it away. Hillary's Twitter launch on April 12 was received with words like "sleek," "savvy," "trending," "electrifying," and "approachable." She was packaged by the press exactly as she wanted it: a humble “champion of everyday Americans.” Compare that to the Ted Cruz launch on March 23. These words framed the introduction: "scary," "dangerous," "slimy," "firebrand," "rigid,"... continue reading
Conservatives know what to expect when the networks create shows about lawyers. From L.A. Law to Ally McBeal, we’ve observed countless crusading liberal protagonists confront and defeat conniving corporate executives and other corrupt establishment villains. This seemed to describe The Good Wife on CBS over the last five years. But something interesting has happened over the last few weeks. Producers have introduced a wealthy conservative character named Reese Dipple, who engages seasoned liberal lawyer Diane Lockhart on the hot-button social issues of the day. As they say on cable TV, you won’t believe what happens next. This debate began because... continue reading
The Old Media loathes the New Media as unreliable, and have no right to pass judgment. Increasingly they are prone to leap into news stories based on their own liberal networks of social media. Look no further than the new Indiana religious freedom law. They could not get enough of those angry tweets from Hillary Clinton and public-policy geniuses like Miley Cyrus. Based on Twitter, they touted a "growing outrage" from coast to coast and obsessed over Indiana's "bigotry" for days. Conservative social media also reacted to the Hoosier contretemps forcefully in the opposite direction, but apparently it's too much... continue reading
Comedy Central hosted another one of its vicious and disgusting celebrity “roasts” with Justin Bieber as the target. On the “pre-show” before the roast, unfunny comedian Jeffrey Ross arrived in a pope costume, accompanied by sexy “nuns” in black habits and fishnet stockings. Red-carpet host Sarah Tiana introduced him as the “popemaster general” and gushed “you look amazing, you're going to be hilarious." To which Ross replied, "Bless you, Sarah, congratulations on all of your abortions." The slaughter of innocent babies is hilarious, apparently. During the roast, the rapper Snoop Dogg lashed out at Bieber. “Now when your mama was... continue reading
Imagine an eighth grader, presented with a portrayal of Sen. Edward Kennedy, the late patriarch of the “royal family” of American politics. The student would learn nothing but legends about “the greatest Senator of all time,” as Sen. Ed Markey proclaimed. On the occasion of the opening of an “Edward M. Kennedy Institute” in Boston, CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley oozed, "Another New England superstar was honored today. Politics was his game, and we'll have his story next.” There was not one discouraging word...not even the word “liberal,” applied to arguably the single most left-wing senator of all time... continue reading
The “TED talk” is a hot liberal video series. The 20-minute talks, usually taped in Vancouver, have become such a viral force on the Internet that NPR now has a weekly TED Radio Hour. TED’s mission statement proclaims a passionate belief in “the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world.” TED offers “a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers.” Or they’re seeking the most Internet clicks. Because their most recent “inspiration” or “most inspired thinker” was....Monica Lewinsky. Seventeen years after the Year of Our Intern, Lewinsky should be doing... continue reading