
U.S. Marine Andrew Tahmooressi has been held in a Mexican prison for more than three months for accidentally crossing into Mexico with weapons and NBC News has yet to acknowledge the story. On Wednesday, July 9, Sergeant Tahmooressi made his first appearance in a Tijuana courtroom and on Thursday both ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS This Morning covered the developments whereas NBC’s Today remained silent. While CBS and ABC did provide coverage of the U.S. Marine’s fight to be released from Mexico, network coverage of Tahmooressi has been minimal at best. Since the story first broke, ABC has been... continue reading
On Wednesday, ABC and CBS's evening newscasts punted yet again on reporting Ray Nagin's Democratic affiliation, after the disgraced former New Orleans mayor was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for corruption. World News and CBS Evening News previously omitted Nagin's party ID when he was indicted in January 2013, and after a jury convicted him in February 2014. ABC's Diane Sawyer hyped that the politician's sentencing was " a staggering fall from grace for the man who rose to national fame leading his city through Hurricane Katrina ," but failed to mention that the Democrat was widely criticized... continue reading
MSNBC host Michael Eric Dyson on Wednesday lashed out at Sarah Palin, accusing the conservative of committing "treason" against Barack Obama by calling for the President's impeachment. The guest host of The Ed Show first praised the President for "his tireless effort to help [illegal children who have crossed the border]." Dyson then fumed, " The President's push towards positive and crucial change was met with treasonous accusations." [MP3 audio here .] During the last administration, however, Dyson called for the impeachment of George W. Bush. In a highly edited clip of Palin on Fox News, the Republican insisted, "Impeachment... continue reading
On Wednesday, CNN’s Brooke Baldwin interviewed Rep. Jeff Denham (R-Calif.) and continued the liberal media’s line of blaming House Republicans for the immigration crisis by not taking up the Senate bill passed last year. In addition, Baldwin repeatedly challenged Denham to make exceptions for allowing illegal immigrant children to be granted permission to stay in the United States. [MP3 audio here ] During the second hour of her CNN Newsroom show, she began by asking what he was hearing from his constituents (more on that later) and then highlighted the fact that House Republicans have not taken up the Senate... continue reading
In an interview with White House adviser Cecilia Munoz on her Wednesday 12 p.m. ET hour show, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell actually tore into the President's poor handling of the immigration crisis and his refusal to visit the border: "...the reality is that the White House has been slow to react. And that there is something to be said for presidential optics, if you will, for presidential appearances, that's part of leadership, is it not?" [ Listen to the audio ] Moments earlier, Munoz tried to argue that there were "a whole host of activities" being undertaken by the administration... continue reading
During the barely two minutes of coverage they allotted to a House hearing on VA scandal whistle-blowers, ABC, CBS, and NBC on Wednesday morning refused to report that the VA officials who tried to silence their colleagues for reporting wrongdoing within the agency received over $100,000 in bonuses in 2013. Coverage of the House of Veterans Affairs Committee hearing from Tuesday night totaled 2 minutes and 24 seconds with only 44 seconds of that from NBC’s Today and a scant 26 seconds from ABC’s Good Morning America . [MP3 audio here ] An article from The Washington Times reported that... continue reading
MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, who is known for softball interviews with pro-abortion activists, appeared distraught during her Andrea Mitchell Reports program on Wednesday, July 9 at the chances of a Democratic bill meant to reverse the Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby passing Congress. Speaking with Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), one of the co-sponsors of the legislation, Mitchell fretted that the bill “can get through the Senate, but it’s not going to get through Congress.” The MSNBC host opened her show by championing Murray’s efforts and declared “Senator Patty Murray joins us with more about her new bill announced... continue reading
For the second day in a row, CBS This Morning reported live from Seattle as Washington State officially legalizes marijuana. The on-screen graphic for the segment promoted the "high times" sure to come. Standing in front of Cannabis City, reporter Adriana Diaz enthused, "At 12 o'clock, Tuesday, dubbed high noon, Cannabis City's owner cut police tape to symbolically mark the legal sale of recreational pot for the first time." [MP3 audio here .] The story featured celebrations and footage of an employee yelling, "Open for business! Hooray!" Only near the end of the segment did Diaz note that some people... continue reading
On Wednesday's NBC Today , co-host Savannah Guthrie attempted to link House Republican opposition to Democrat-backed immigration reform legislation to the current border crisis: "There's also this immigration reform bill that's been passed in the Senate, it's dead on arrival in the it a situation where you think members of Congress would rather have the political issue than a potential resolution?" [ Listen to the audio ] Guthrie posed that question to chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd, who replied: "I think members of Congress don't want this issue at all during the fall campaign....The regular immigration reform, totally... continue reading
According to TMZ , 9/11 truther and denouncer of "radical Christianity" Rosie O'Donnell has signed a deal with ABC to once again be a permanent host of The View . In the wake of the retirement of Barbara Walters and the departures of Jenny McCarthy and Sherri Shepherd , the show has turned to the woman who once said this of America: "I just want to say something. 655,000 Iraqi civilians are dead. Who are the terrorists?" On September 12, 2006, after token conservative Elisabeth Hasselbeck raised the threat of "radical Islam," O'Donnell spat back: "Radical Christianity is just as... continue reading