
During a simulcast of NBC's Today and Howard Stern's SiriusXM radio show on Tuesday, the outspoken America's Got Talent host suggested a way for the network morning show to boost its ratings: "You know, Savannah, it would be great for the ratings if you had the baby and then you had postpartum depression ....a lot of women will relate to that. Matt could do a three-piece set on that." [ Listen to the audio ] With co-hosts Savannah Guthrie and Matt Lauer sitting in Stern's studio, he took the joke even further: "Wouldn't it be great? Let me spell out... continue reading
Reporting from the Gaza Strip during MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on July 14, NBC foreign correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin, formerly of Al Jazerra and CNN, parroted Hamas denials that it deliberately placed missile batteries in civilian buildings in Gaza [ Listen to the audio ]: They definitely reject the labeling of using civilians as human shields....Hamas military wing people that we've been speaking to and others – not just on these past few days, but in the past several years, because this is an issue that always comes up against Hamas – they will say that this is the nature of... continue reading
ABC and NBC continued their tradition of ignoring the latest controversy surrounding the Veterans Affairs department. On Monday morning , only CBS This Morning covered the news that the VA has problems paying veterans for service-related injuries with NBC's Today and ABC's Good Morning America ignoring the developments. On the evening of July 14, only the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley covered the latest revelations while ABC World News with Diane Sawyer and NBC Nightly News were nowhere to be found. CBS provided only 21 seconds of coverage on the VA Monday morning, but their nightly news program provided... continue reading
Of the three morning shows on Monday, NBC and ABC ignored the latest controversy enveloping the scandal-plagued Veterans Affairs department. Only CBS This Morning bothered to cover the news that the VA has problems paying men and women compensation for service-related injuries. This Morning co-host Charlie Rose sped through the story in just 21 seconds. [MP3 audio here .] Rose quickly related, "The agency is now accused of sloppiness and improper work, paying claims to veterans injured while serving." USA Today broke the story with writer Gregg Zoroya explaining, "While the VA managed last year to reduce a huge backlog... continue reading
Fredricka Whitfield put on the kid gloves for Marion Barry on Sunday's CNN Newsroom , and acclaimed the former D.C. mayor as a " visionary ." Whitfield skirted mentioning every single controversy Barry has been involved in through his long career save one – his " infamous drug bust in 1990 ." She also spotlighted the Democrat's conspiracy theory that the FBI set up the sting to take him down for helping the poor: " You draw that correlation that all of those things that you did for the underserved community ... and the design of this drug bust ."... continue reading
On Monday, viewers of CNN saw the hosts of New Day continue their championing of the Obama administration on illegal immigration with co-host Chris Cuomo asking for the rule of law to be set aside. Cuomo also mocked Republicans for being obsessed with the IRS scandal and not responding with compassion to the “flood of child humanity.” Speaking with CNN contributors Kevin Madden (a Republican strategist) and Dan Restrepo (a former adviser to President Obama on Latin American affairs), Cuomo began by wondering: "Dan Restrepo, where is the humanity? People want to argue law. They should. They should also remember... continue reading
Julianna Goldman, who endured a marriage to former FNC, MSNBC, Current and Al-Jazeera America host/reporter David Shuster, got married on Saturday, in Aspen, Colorado, to Michael Gottlieb, a former associate White House counsel for Obama. The New York Times reported on Sunday that Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, a former colleague of Gottlieb’s at the White House, “officiated.” Goldman was Bloomberg’s White House correspondent until a few weeks ago. “Next month,” the NY Times item noted, “she is to join CBS News as a television correspondent in its Washington bureau.” TVNewser today picked up on the July 13 Times item,... continue reading
Echoing past media defenses of Jimmy Carter , Good Morning America's Martha Raddatz on Monday indicated that there are simply too many international flare-ups for John Kerry and the Obama administration to effectively focus on just one. Referring to the ongoing violence between the Israelis and the Palestinians, Raddatz lamented, "But diplomats really only so much bandwidth when they're dealing with things. They have to prioritize." [MP3 audio here .] The journalist sympathized, adding that such prioritization is "very, very difficult right now with what's going on in the world." Explaining why it's so hard for the administration to handle... continue reading
David Gregory sat down with Anita Hill on's Meet the Press Press Pass, aired Sunday morning on Washington, DC's NBC-station, and treated his guest to a softball filled interview that contrasts markedly with the approach by his predecessor, the late Tim Russert, to Hill and her allies. The interview was intended to promote Ms. Hill’s new documentary, Anita: Speaking Truth To Power , and Gregory made sure his viewers knew that more than 20 years later the liberal media, including himself, sympathized with a woman who nearly brought down the nomination of Justice Clarence Thomas. The interview began by... continue reading
Meet the Press moderator David Gregory spoke to Congressman Mike Rogers (R-MI) on Sunday, July 13 and used the opportunity to harass his guest on the subject of immigration in the wake of the ongoing crisis at the border. During his interview with the Chairman of the House intelligence committee, the NBC host took a swipe at the Republican Party by asking: “Do you lament the Republican Party’s stand on immigration reform?” Gregory continued to criticize the GOP’s stance on immigration and insisted that the GOP has an “unwillingness to come together to find some path to-a path to citizenship... continue reading