
Ever since the border patrol began sending hundreds of illegal immigrants from Texas to the town of Murrieta, California, despite opposition from local residents, the folks at NBC News have repeatedly failed to use the term “illegal immigrant” to describe the confrontation between the two sides. On Thursday, July 3, NBC’s Today continued to omit the term “illegal immigrant” from its lexicon. In fact, it has been the only one of the "big three" networks to not use the term when reporting on the situation in Murrieta. Instead, its reporters continue to refer to them as “undocumented immigrants.” NBC’s Miguel... continue reading
MSNBC analyst Howard Dean appeared on Now With Alex Wagner , Wednesday, to question the patriotism of Republicans. Discussing Barack Obama's attack on the congressional GOP, Dean sneered: "I'm certainly disgusted with them... I question their patriotism, really. I mean, we're paying them to do something and they are doing nothing." Talking to Wagner and Republican Michael Steele, Dean snarled, "I just think the Republican Congress is incompetent. They are incompetent and they are untrustworthy." Despite the howling from liberals in the media about questioning patriotism during the era of George W. Bush, MSNBC hosts do it all the time... continue reading
NBC's morning and evening newscasts have yet to cover the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong on Tuesday. That day, ABC's World News labeled the demonstration " one of the largest marches in Hong Kong's history " during an 18-second news brief, but failed to mention that the communist Chinese government was the target of the participants. The network's morning show, Good Morning America , has yet to devote any air time to the protest. Seth Doane filed a two-minute report about the march on Wednesday's CBS Evening News . But like his peers at ABC, Doane omitted describing the "central... continue reading
A Quinnipiac University poll published on July 2 found that 33 percent of Americans view President Obama as America’s worst modern president compared to 28 percent who picked George W. Bush. Following the release of the poll, Chuck Todd, NBC News' Chief White House correspondent, Political Director and host of The Daily Rundown , dismissed the findings and argued “these great and worst lists, they’re terrible...because they always reflect the moment in time.” In contrast, MSNBC struck a much different tone in 2006 when Quinnipiac found that President Bush was rated America’s worst modern President: "A new Quinnipiac poll sends... continue reading
The network disinterest in the Veterans Affairs scandal intensified on Wednesday. NBC and ABC ignored the story of a man whose treatment was approved – two years after death. CBS This Morning allowed a scant 22 seconds on the topic. Co-anchor Gayle King related, "Douglas Chase of Rutland, Vermont was diagnosed with cancer back in 2011. The drive to a Boston hospital became too much. His family wanted to move his treatment to a nearby V.A. facility." She added, " Last month, the request was approved, 22 months after Douglas Chase passed away ." Considering that coverage of the scandal... continue reading
On Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, all three broadcast news networks and the two largest Spanish language evening network newscasts refused to cover disturbing news regarding ObamaCare. Two audits from the Health and Human Services Department’s Inspector General found Tuesday that 2.6 million unresolved problems in the applications of those seeking health care on the federal marketplace (used in 36 states). While the news media are conducting a blackout on this troubling news about Obamacare, the networks gave plenty of coverage to President Obama’s so-called ‘victory-lap’ in April when the number of those ostensibly enrolled hit eight million people and... continue reading
July 2 marked the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act and on Wednesday CBS This Morning used the event to highlight liberal labor activist Dolores Huerta. CBS corresponden t Michelle Miller began her five minute report by gushing over Ms. Huerta and described her as someone who “co-founded the United Farm Workers union with Cesar Chavez, fought for feminism with Gloria Steinem and battled for social change.” Co-host Gayle King introduced the segment by noting that the Civil Rights Act “inspired many to speak up for social justice. Michelle Miller met one activist who's been doing... continue reading
On Wednesday morning, NBC’s Today went beyond avoiding using the term “illegal” to describe the immigrants being bussed from Texas into California. The Peacock network has created a Twitter handle to show its support for the illegal immigrants. Following a report by NBC’s Miguel Almaguer, Today anchor Matt Lauer triumphantly declared: “We want you to weigh in on this. Share your comments using the #RefugeeRiders.” On Tuesday, July 1 , the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley was the only network to use the term “illegal” when describing the protests in Murrieta, California where the residents have objected to immigrants... continue reading
On Tuesday, all three network evening newscasts hyped a protest in Murrieta, California where residents objected to busloads of illegal immigrants being sent to their town to be processed by border patrol agents. While all three networks covered the story, only the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley actually called the 140 passengers “illegal immigrants” with ABC and NBC choosing to call them “migrants” and “undocumented immigrants” respectively. Even though CBS was the only network to use the term “illegal” in its report, all three networks ignored any reference to how President Obama’s confusing signals and comments on the border... continue reading
While all three networks played clips of Barack Obama on Monday blaming the GOP for the border crisis, they have been reluctant to cite the President’s own failure to enforce immigration laws as a cause for thousands of immigrants illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexican border. From June 8 through the morning of July 1 ABC, CBS and NBC have offered a total of 45 stories on the border crisis, on their evening and morning shows, and in only 5 (11 percent) have they brought up Obama immigration policies as a possible cause for the most recent surge of illegal immigrants, including... continue reading