CNN's Alisyn Camerota promoted a liberal talking point about the Obama administration's response to the Ebola outbreak on Friday's New Day , as she interviewed Rep. Jason Chaffetz. Camerota spotlighted how " many Democrats ... say that Republicans in the Senate have blocked the President's nominee for a surgeon general that we could have had one year ago – but Republicans have been an impediment ." When Congressman Chaffetz asserted that "the federal government is woefully underprepared" to deal with the deadly virus, the anchor countered that " the CDC tries to assuage our fear by saying that they now... continue reading
Liberal celebrity Russell Brand on Thursday announced he's "open" to the idea that the United States government may have been behind the September 11th, 2001 terror attacks. Talking to a British reporter, Brand theorized , "Do you trust the American government? Do you trust the British government? What I do think is very interesting is the relationship that the Bush family have had for a long time with the Bin Laden family." Pressed on the issue, the comedian declared, "We have to remain open-minded to any kind of possibility." It was just October 13, 2014 that Today anchor Matt Lauer... continue reading
On his Fox News show Thursday night, host Bill O'Reilly cited the Media Research Center study on the network evening newscasts censoring coverage of the 2014 midterms: "Eight years ago, the nightly network newscasts went full out to cover the campaigns, which Democrats were favored to win....But this time around, the graph is far different. At this point in time, ABC News did 36 election reports eight years ago. So far this year, zero, nothing. CBS, 58 in year 2006. 14 this year. NBC, 65 eight years ago. 11 this year. Simply stunning." O'Reilly turned to Democratic strategist James Carville... continue reading
On Thursday night, ABC and NBC continued to make no mention of a damning report by USA Today that the Obama administration covered up the release of illegal immigrants from prisons who had committed numerous violent crimes, including rape and murder. At the conclusion of the morning newscasts of the major broadcast networks, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today had no coverage while CBS This Morning mentioned it in a news brief that lasted for just 21 seconds. By the time the evening newscasts had aired, ABC's World News Tonight with David Muir and NBC Nightly News followed their... continue reading
After being “roundly criticized” for laughing at audio of Bristol Palin’s account of being assaulted by a man and thrown to the ground, CNN’s Carol Costello issued an apology to the Palin family. On Thursday, posted the apology sent from Costello: “Over the past few days I have been roundly criticized for joking about a brawl involving the Palin family. In retrospect, I deserve such criticism and would like to apologize.” On the October 22 edition of CNN Newsroom the anchor initially said of the audio: “I’m just going to come right out and say it. This is quite... continue reading
Talking to a Canadian member of Parliament on Thursday, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell wondered about the threat of bigotry in that country's reaction to a terrorist shooting. Comparing Canada to the United States, she worried, "But do you fear, do you worry that there is going to be this reaction as, frankly, we had after 9/11?" Mitchell continued, "We had to really have bipartisan efforts by the President, George W. Bush at the time and others, to bring together the community and stop anger and discrimination against some in our society?" [MP3 audio here. ] Except, that's not what happened... continue reading
On Thursday's Squawk Box on CNBC, host Joe Kernen cited the Media Research Center's latest study showing the Big Three network evening newscasts have barely noticed the anti-Obama midterm election of 2014 but provided wall-to-wall coverage in 2006: "...they breathlessly reported the Democratic takeover of Capitol Hill in the anti-Bush election of 2006....the coverage of this current situation, 6 to 1 disparity. There were 159 stories about the Democrats taking over in 2006. There have been 25 on the Big Three this [year]." The business network's chief Washington correspondent John Harwood quickly tried to dismiss the finding and excuse the... continue reading
ABC and NBC on Thursday ignored a shocking new report from USA Today that the Obama administration has covered up the release of illegals involved with rapes and murders. Only CBS This Morning covered the story, managing a mere 20 seconds. Co-host Charlie Rose explained, "The White House told Congress that 2,200 people released from immigration jails last year had only minor criminal records, but records obtained show some of them face charges of kidnapping, sexual assault, and homicide." Despite a combined six hours of air time, ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today avoided the controversy. One might argue... continue reading
Liberal View co-host (and 9/11 truther ) Rosie O'Donnell wasted no time on Thursday in taking the shooting in Canada and spinning it into a plea for gun control in America. The comedienne cited a comment from model Chrissy Teigen. On Wednesday, Teigan tweeted , "Active shooting in Canada or as we call it in America, Wednesday." O'Donnell raved, "I thought it was brilliant." [MP3 audio here .] The co-host compared, " But 86 people a day are killed in America with guns. And you know what, that is terrorism here. " O'Donnell has a long history of aggressively pushing... continue reading
On July 24, it was discovered that Senator John Walsh (D-Mont.) had plagiarized his thesis statement as part of earning a master’s degree from the United States Army War College and led to the College revoking his degree on October 10. Back on August 7, Walsh announced that he would not be seeking reelection (as he originally planned) and would leave office after his term ends. Throughout the whole scandal, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC combined for only one story in the form of a news brief on CBS This Morning on July 24 that lasted... continue reading