
Carol Costello's liberal bias emerged yet again on Tuesday's CNN Newsroom , as she covered the catastrophic failure of Orbital Science Corporation's Antares rocket during a launch from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. During an interview of former astronaut Leroy Chiao, Costello wondered, " Can NASA really trust private companies to do its business? " Chiao replied, "It's not much of a change... NASA, per se, doesn't build rockets, and never really has. They've always hired commercial companies to build them ." However, the anchor pressed on with her skepticism of private business, and followed up by asking, "Well,... continue reading
Appearing on Fox News's O'Reilly Factor Tuesday night, media analyst Bernard Goldberg praised reporter Sharyl Attkisson for calling out the liberal bias of her former employer, CBS News, in her upcoming book. He then lamented the difficultly in ending such bias: "But here's why the problem is not going to go away. Even if top management wants to eliminate this liberal bias, there are too many producers and reporters in important positions at all the networks who are liberal, and who let their liberalism affect their journalism." Goldberg proposed a way to stop the problem: "There's only one solution, only... continue reading
The journalists at CBS This Morning on Wednesday weighed in on the Pope's comments about the Big Bang theory and evolution, spinning them as a battle between science and "conservatives." Reporter Allen Pizzey opened the segment by cheering, "Fresh from having taken on conservatives" at a meeting with Bishops, "Pope Francis sided with science over dogma." The reporter marveled that "Even the conservative former Pope Benedict XVI said scientific theories on the origin and development of the universe and humans did not conflict with faith." Even the conservative Benedict said this? Pizzey got in a dig at Catholicism, reminding, "Five... continue reading
On Monday's Morning Joe , MSNBC's Joe Scarborough prompted hippie icon Graham Nash of Crosby, Stills, and Nash fame to promote his new song about the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Nash wildly contended that "what happened with... almost, the execution of Michael Brown, we had to say something ." Scarborough also asked the singer/songwriter to give his take about other political issues. Nash forwarded a standard left-wing talking point – that "the powers that be that run this world have us exactly where they want us. They want everyone to just lie down, shut up, while... continue reading
NBC Nightly News showered praise on President Obama regarding his Ebola response on Tuesday night, proclaiming that Obama was “hitting back” and “[came] out swinging in this fight over quarantines” against those who demanded and then implemented quarantines for aid workers returning from West Africa. The rhetoric followed NBC’s Today from Tuesday morning in which Matt Lauer slammed Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for quarantining health care workers that return to the United States through his state after treating those stricken with Ebola in Africa. [MP3 audio here ; Video below] Right off the bat, anchor Brian Williams said... continue reading
With the midterm elections one week away from Tuesday, the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley profiled the race in Wisconsin for governor as incumbent Governor and Republican Scott Walker faces off against Democratic candidate Mary Burke. While it’s certainly worth covering governor’s races across the country, CBS News correspondent Dean Reynolds chose to use the occasion to go after Walker by asking Burke if a victory over Walker would “send a message to the rest of the country about the kind of policies and politics that he practices?” [MP3 audio here ; Video below] In a segment that began... continue reading
Today co-host Matt Lauer spent most of a Tuesday interview with Chris Christie attacking the New Jersey governor's response to the Ebola crisis: "I want to read to you what Dr. Anthony Fauci from NIH said yesterday. He called the mandatory quarantine of all health care workers who come in contact with Ebola patients in West Africa and then return, 'draconian'.... Is it possible, Governor you're on the wrong side of science here but the right side of public opinion?" However, after slamming Christie, Lauer demanded that the Republican disavow any effort to use the Obama administration's poor Ebola response... continue reading
After failing to mention the upcoming midterm election a single time since he took over the anchor desk of ABC's World News Tonight on September 1, on Monday, David Muir finally informed viewers that a political contest with "enormous" stakes was just days away: "The countdown is on, this evening, to the midterm elections tonight. Your voice, your vote. Just eight days to go before this election. The stakes? Enormous. President Obama, already battling with a Republican House, will he soon face a Republican Senate?" It had been 137 days since the ABC evening newscast had made any mention of... continue reading
The CBS This Morning crew on Tuesday alternated between confusion as to why Barack Obama may be driving Republicans to a big midterm victory and strident declarations that the GOP would have no mandate. Co-host Charlie Rose talked with political director John Dickerson and wondered of disenchanted voters: "So, why is it they don't like this President so much? Is it a spillover from ObamaCare or something else?" Dickerson declared that the midterm elections are not "about a set of ideas." Perhaps looking for reassurance about next Tuesday, Rose insisted, "...If the Republicans win the Senate and control the Congress,... continue reading
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) appeared on Tuesday’s CBS This Morning to discuss next week’s midterm elections and the three CBS hosts eagerly threw softball questions at the Massachusetts Democrat. During the interview, Norah O’Donnell asked Senator Warren “what's going to happen if Republicans take control?” before admitting “I guess that was a softball of a question, wasn’t it?” Predictably, Warren proclaimed that “it's going to be ugly out there if the Republicans take control” to which co-host Charlie Rose chimed in that O’Donnell “just teed it up for you." Neither CBS host seemed bothered that they were joking about throwing... continue reading