As of Monday night, the major English and Spanish broadcast networks have blacked out all mention of remarks made by Hillary Clinton on Friday at a campaign event for Massachusetts Democratic gubernatorial candidate Martha Coakley that businesses and corporations do not create jobs. Speaking at the campaign event, Clinton told the audience: “Don't let anybody tell you that, you know – it's corporations and businesses that create jobs. You know, that old theory, trickle down economics. That has been tried, that has failed.” [MP3 audio here ; Video below] Since then, English-language networks ABC, CBS, and NBC and Spanish-language networks... continue reading
On Monday night, CBS News national correspondent Chip Reid continued to promote a false ad by a liberal organization that claims Republicans in Congress are responsible for cutting funding for research hoping to find an Ebola vaccine. Reid stated at the conclusion of his report on the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley how: “One independent liberal group released an ad criticizing Republicans for cutting spending that they say could have led to an Ebola vaccination. Scott, that ad is titled 'Republican Cuts Kill,' which shows just how tough the political battle over Ebola has come.” [MP3 audio here ;... continue reading
Throughout 2014, CBS This Morning has veered between stories happily hyping the benefits of marijuana and reports on its danger. While the segments seesaw back and forth, the network doesn't seem to be able to put together balance individual reports. On Monday, this continued as journalist Adriana Diaz focused on a Minnesota mom who gave her son a form of medical marijuana to help with his traumatic brain injury. Speaking of Angela Brown, Diaz explained, "Desperate, she began researching the benefits of medical marijuana. The family drove to Colorado and obtained this bottle of cannabis oil, legal there but not... continue reading
Despite nearly 1400 words of space, New York Times writer Amy Chozick on Monday never used the "liberal" label in a story on possible 2016 Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton being hit from the left with regards to immigration. ("Progressive" was avoided too.) Instead, she explained that "immigration activists have already turned their focus — and their frustration — to his potential successor." Chozick noted how Clinton has been heckled for not speaking out enough on opposing deportation. She insisted, "Behind the public confrontations is a quieter but concerted effort by a critical bloc of young Latinos to urge others like... continue reading
On Monday, all three network morning shows covered George P. Bush – the son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and current candidate for Texas land commissioner – telling ABC's Jonathan Karl that his father would likely make a 2016 presidential run. In addition, all three shows made sure to remind viewers of former First Lady Barbara Bush's objection to another one of her sons running for president. NBC's Today offered a full report on the topic, with White House correspondent Kristen Welker proclaiming: "While polls show Bush is in the top tier when matched against other potential Republican candidates,... continue reading
On Sunday night, NBC Nightly News covered First Lady Michelle Obama’s busy campaign schedule with just over one week to go until Election Day. Unfortunately, in their rush to play up her midterm efforts, the network ignored the Democrat’s numerous gaffes on the campaign trail. Anchor Lester Holt introduced the report and noted how “First Lady Michelle Obama is taking on a key role that she's played before. She's going out on the campaign trail in hopes her high approval ratings can help Democrats maintain control of the Senate.” The NBC anchor then turned to Kristen Welker, NBC News White... continue reading
Liberals love to complain that there’s far too much money in politics and on Sunday’s Meet the Press , the entire panel predictably fretted that political spending could spell the demise of American democracy. NBC’s Luke Russert introduced the segment by lamenting how “there's real concern about the role money is playing in our politics with some even going as far to argue our democracy is being bought and sold.” Russert continued to criticize the role of money in the 2014 midterm elections: In 2012, outside group spending was 67 times higher. Over a billion dollars. And this year, it'll... continue reading
During a campaign rally for Martha Coakley, Democratic gubernatorial candidate in Massachusetts, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made some controversial comments about private businesses not being job creators. Speaking on Friday, Clinton told a Democratic audience to ignore people who say “corporations and businesses create jobs.” Despite the potential 2016 presidential candidate expressing far left anti-business sentiments, all three network Sunday morning political shows (ABC’s This Week , CBS’s Face The Nation , and NBC’s Meet the Press ) conveniently ignored Ms. Clinton’s remarks during their midterm coverage. Ms. Clinton continued her attack on business during the campaign rally:... continue reading
During his MSNBC show on Thursday night, Chris Matthews discussed a soundbite of Iowa Republican Senate candidate Joni Ernst stating her stance on the Second Amendment from two years ago and interpreted it as “pretty radical” to the point that “[s]he has talked about killing politicians she doesn't agree with.” First, here is what Ernst actually said (which was uncovered in a Huffington Post story from Wednesday): “I have a beautiful little Smith & Wesson, nine millimeter, and it goes with me virtually everywhere, but I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to... continue reading
Since the Media Research Center first published its study on Wednesday showing a glaring double standard in how the network evening newscasts covered the anti-Republican wave in the 2006 midterm election vs the likely anti-Democratic wave in 2014, various liberal pundits and journalists took to the airwaves in an effort to dismiss the findings. On CNBC's Squawk Box on Thursday , chief Washington correspondent John Harwood argued: Well, look, I don't know what data they were using for that. It doesn't – there are a couple of things that I would point out. One, 2006 was an election where you... continue reading