Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell questioned Republican Senator Marco Rubio on Tuesday's CBS This Morning over the increase in the number of children illegally entering the U.S., and whether immigration reform is going to be revived in Congress. Rose spotlighted that Rubio received "some political pushback" on the immigration issue, and wondered, " When will we see thorough immigration reform? " The PBS veteran also noted that the Florida politician is a " leading critic of the V.A. health system ," but oddly didn't ask a question about the ongoing scandal. Instead, he ran to Hillary Clinton's defense on the... continue reading
After giving Hillary Clinton a chance to clean up her "dead broke " gaffe in the first part of a live interview on Tuesday's Good Morning America , ABC host Robin Roberts saved all of her softball questions for part two of the exchange later on the broadcast: "You and your husband have very intense schedules, how much quality time – let's say how many days in the month are you actually able to be together as a family?...You're going to be a grandmother in the fall. Have you offered any names to Chelsea?" [ Listen to the audio ]... continue reading
In a live interview with Hillary Clinton on Tuesday's ABC Good Morning America , co-host Robin Roberts actually pressed the former first lady on claims that she and Bill Clinton left the White House "dead broke": "The reaction has been very strong about what you said to Diane [Sawyer]....using the words 'struggling' and that it wasn't easy, when many Americans are in the same situation but they know they don't have a book and the opportunities that you have. Any regrets in how you phrased that?" [ Listen to the audio ] Clinton tried to clean up her gaffe: "Well,... continue reading
On Monday's NBC Today , fill-in co-host Willie Geist posed an ominous question to viewers: "How would you feel if you saw someone walk into a store or restaurant with a rifle strapped to his or her back?" Teasing an upcoming story on the topic, he proclaimed: "It's perfectly legal in one state, sparking quite a controversy this morning, we'll explain." [ Listen to the audio ] In the report that followed minutes later, correspondent Kerry Sanders announced: " Texas, it is legal to carry a long-barreled rifle, a shotgun, as long as you're carrying it openly....But when a group... continue reading
The producers of Netflix's Orange is the New Black might find themselves targeted by Hillary Clinton's supporters, after a character used the Democratic politician's name as an insult in an episode of the newest season of the sex-laced series. Tiffany "Pennsatuckey" Doggett (played by Taryn Manning), an inmate at the women's prison that is the main setting of the Internet show, confronted fellow prisoner Leanne Taylor (played by Emma Myles) for ignoring her. Taylor then blasted her former confidante as a " Hillary Clinton dictator :" [MP3 audio available here ; video below ] LEANNE TAYLOR: You've been lording over... continue reading
In clips of her interview with Hillary Clinton aired on Monday's Good Morning America , World News anchor Diane Sawyer was surprisingly tough on the issue of Benghazi: "Is there anything you personally should have been doing to make it safer in Benghazi?...I wonder if people are looking for a sentence that begins from you, 'I should have...' 'I should have...'" [ Listen to the audio ] After the clip, Sawyer explained to GMA co-host George Stephanopoulos: "So many questions on Benghazi because we know a lot of people think it's a central question of leadership if she runs for... continue reading
Friday's World News on ABC paid tribute to the 70th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Normandy with an emotional look at one of the remaining veterans who survived the hellish landings on Omaha Beach. However, the Big Three newscast made a historical gaffe during anchor David Muir's introduction to the segment. Muir directed his audience's attention to a black-and-white photo of troops landing on June 6, 1944, and contrasted it with a photo taken Friday morning supposedly at the same place: Omaha Beach. But the 70-year-old picture was actually of British and Canadian troops landing at Juno Beach miles... continue reading
Brian Williams glossed over the V.A. scandal during his interview of President Obama on Friday's NBC Nightly News conducted in France amongst D-Day 70th anniversary commemoration. Williams did devote time to the ongoing controversy surrounding the release of senior Taliban leaders in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl – specifically the White House failing to inform Congress 30 days before the Islamists were let go from Guantanamo Bay, as required by federal law. However, the anchor didn't mention that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid revealed that he was informed of the trade for Bergdahl on May 27, 2014 – a day before... continue reading
On Friday, CNN announced that David Chalian would be named as their new political director. Chalian is most famous for making an obnoxious remark about Mitt and Ann Romney during the 2012 Republican National Convention. On August 29, 2012, in live video inadvertently distributed by, the-then Yahoo! News Washington bureau chief claimed the Romneys didn’t care about New Orleans residents being hit by Hurricane Isaac as he charged: “They aren’t concerned at all. They are happy to have a party with black people drowning.” Yahoo! quickly fired Chalian . However, Chalian’s vicious anti-Romney remark didn’t affect his employment opportunities... continue reading
On Friday's NBC Today , co-host Savannah Guthrie gushed over the network getting an advanced copy of Hillary Clinton's new book: "Well, here it is. It's the memoir that a lot of people are talking about, waiting to read, Hard Choices by Hillary Clinton. We happened to find this copy actually at a bookstore in Los Angeles just days ahead of the official release." [ Listen to the audio ] In the report that followed, correspondent Kelly O'Donnell touted the 600 pages of Clinton spin as "an opening argument for her next presidential campaign – if, if she decides to... continue reading