
Miguel Almaguer hyped on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News that "since the mass shooting in Newtown a year and a half ago, there's been at least 74 school shootings across the country – roughly one every week ." However, the correspondent failed to mention that this figure came from the pro-gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety, which was founded earlier in 2014 by liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg. [MP3 audio available here ; video below ] On Tuesday, Kyle Becker of the Independent Journal Review spotlighted a series of Twitter posts from author and journalist Charles C. Johnson, which called out... continue reading
Comparing Hillary Clinton's Hard Choices book tour to an "out of town play getting ready in New Haven," MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Wednesday night dismissed the former Secretary of State's tone-deaf "dead broke" line from her interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer as a "small kind of gaffe, or even a half gaffe." [ MP3 audio here ; video embedded below] "Once she said we were $12 million in the hole, I think people should have understood what she meant," Matthews asserted to his guest, NBC's Cynthia McFadden, whose fawning interview was aired on Tuesday's Nightly News . Indeed, the former... continue reading
CBS Evening News was the only Big Three evening newscast on Wednesday to report that the FBI has opened a criminal investigation into the V.A. scandal. Neither ABC's World News nor NBC Nightly News covered this latest development in the ongoing controversy. Instead, both programs devoted air time to the 20th anniversary of O.J. Simpson's slow-speed run from the police, after the murder of his wife and her friend. Anchor Scott Pelley gave an 18-second news brief on the federal agency's new probe into the cover-up of long patient wait times at the Department of Veterans Affairs: [MP3 audio available... continue reading
Appearing on Wednesday's CBS This Morning , Republican pollster Frank Luntz attacked his own profession following the surprising primary defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor: "Right now there are 230 House Republicans who are waking up praying that they do not have Eric Cantor's pollster. Honestly – and I'm one of them – we Republican pollsters suck. We have no ability to be able to analyze the electorate." [ Listen to the audio ] Luntz noted how Cantor's pollster "told him twelve days ago that he was going to win by thirty-four points and then he loses by ten....he... continue reading
On Monday, the House Oversight Committee investigating the IRS targeting scandal released new e-mails that showed Lois Lerner sent a database of tax exempt organizations to the FBI right before the 2010 midterm elections. So what was the reaction of anchors and reporters at the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC ) networks to the release of federally protected confidential taxpayer information? A big fat yawn. So far no one at the Big Three evening or morning shows have reported on this most recent development in the IRS-Tea Party targeting scandal. On June 10 Townhall’s Katie Pavlich reported the following: According... continue reading
Following the defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) in the Republican primary, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell rushed to claim that the GOP is in disarray following the election. Speaking with Sean Spicer, Republican National Committee Communications Director Sean Spicer, on her Andrea Mitchell Reports program on Wednesday, June 11, Mitchell proclaimed “There's frenzy on Capitol Hill among the House Republicans. This looks like an episode of House of Cards up there.” The MSNBC host began the interview with Spicer by wondering “What about John Boehner, what about the Republican leadership? Are they now all in jeopardy from the rank... continue reading
On Tuesday morning a high school student in Oregon open fire in a high school killing another student before taking his own life. Following the tragedy, all three morning network news shows played up President Obama’s reaction and promoted his call for action. While ABC, CBS, and NBC all promoted Obama’s statement, NBC’s Today was the most enthusiastic with Savannah Guthrie noting the president “had some pretty strong words” and hyping “pretty extraordinary moment” following the shooting. After Guthrie cheered the “extraordinary moment,” Chuck Todd, NBC News Chief White House Correspondent, Political Director and host of The Daily Rundown on... continue reading
After Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's stunning primary defeat Tuesday night, the broadcast networks Wednesday morning wrung their hands over the loss and fretted that immigration reform, which Cantor supported, was doomed. On NBC's Today , political director Chuck Todd declared: "...this, by the way, means immigration reform during the rest of the Obama presidency, the idea that it's gonna happen, is dead. It is not going to happen in 2016." [ Listen to the audio ] Co-host Savannah Guthrie worried: "Is anything going to happen? I mean, I guess the question is whether Republicans will be so spooked... continue reading
On Tuesday, June 10, the Obama Administration issued a delay that will allow 18 states not to implement a portion of ObamaCare’s small business health insurance exchange until 2016. Despite the delay, which was issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, all three network evening news broadcasts on ABC, CBS, and NBC ignored the story on Tuesday evening. From The Hill : The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) granted requests for lenience from 18 states in their effort to enact "employee choice" on the Small Business Health Options Program, or SHOP exchange. The delays mean that... continue reading
Hillary Clinton sat down with NBC’s Cynthia McFadden for an interview which aired on NBC Nightly News on Tuesday, June 10 to promote her new book Hard Choices . While the NBC reporter brought up sensitive issues such as Benghazi, when the subject turned to Clinton’s potential presidential bid, McFadden proved to be nothing more than a Hillary sycophant. The first thing that aired from the interview was McFadden gushing “I know you say you haven't made up your mind, but I'm going to give you the evidence from your book why I think you actually are running for President.”... continue reading