
MSNBC is the network where ex-host Martin Bashir suggested that someone defecate and urinate on Sarah Palin. Yet, the suddenly sensitive Joy Reid on Wednesday warned viewers that she was about to feature someone saying the word "Redskins," what she deemed to be a "racial slur." [MP3 audio here .'] Hours after the U.S. Patent and Trademark office had cancelled the Washington Redskins trademark registration, Reid played a clip of Senator Harry Reid attacking the team. The host fretted, "And I just warn people, he does use the name of the team. So, I'm just going to warn you guys... continue reading
It took six television interviews but Hillary Clinton was finally asked questions that have remained absent during her book tour to promote Hard Choices . On Tuesday, Clinton sat down with Fox News anchors Bret Baier and Greta Van Susteren and for the first time on television was asked about the IRS’ targeting of conservatives, the NSA spying on Americans, and the American Marine held captive in Mexico. During the interview, Van Susteren asked Clinton: “Madam Secretary, you are a lawyer, President Obama is a lawyer. I'm a lawyer. And NSA spying on Americans violates the Fourth Amendment. Couldn't be... continue reading
Former Vice President Dick Cheney co-authored a blistering op-ed , deriding Barack Obama's handling of Iraq. But you wouldn't know it from the network coverage. ABC's Good Morning America completely ignored Cheney speaking out. Yet, the program devoted three minutes to the deeply irrelevant story of jump suits and fanny packs making a comeback. On NBC's Today , Savannah Guthrie managed a scant 13 seconds as she introduced a separate story. The co-host chided, "Well, as President Obama weighs his decision here, Dick and Liz Cheney are out with a new op-ed this morning blasting the Obama administration's positions during... continue reading
On Wednesday, June 17 Bloomberg reported that Bill and Hillary Clinton are taking advantage of financial planning strategies to avoid paying a hefty estate tax, even though the Clintons are prominent supports of the tax. Despite the report, ABC, CBS, and NBC have all ignored the story on both their morning and evening newscasts. According to Bloomberg: “The Clintons are using financial planning strategies befitting the top 1 percent of U.S. households in wealth. These moves, common among multimillionaires, will help shield some of their estate from the tax that now top out at 40 percent of assets upon death.”... continue reading
Appearing on Wednesday's NBC Today , chief White House correspondent and political director Chuck Todd reported on the latest NBC News/ Wall Street Journal poll showing President Obama's poll numbers taking a nose dive and made this stunning declaration: "This is as if the public is saying, 'Hey, buddy, your presidency is over. You may not believe it is, but your ability to lead and convince us that you have the right policies anymore, we're not listening.'" [ Listen to the audio ] That observation was prompted by co-host Savannah Guthrie highlighting: "Let's show the poll number you call the... continue reading
Hillary Clinton sat down with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour for a town hall interview on Tuesday to promote her new book “Hard Choices” and was greeted with questions that tilted five to one in favor of liberal issues. The interview focused on a variety of domestic and foreign topics but it was Amanpour’s question to Clinton about racism towards President Obama that caught a lot of attention. The CNN reporter wondered: “Senator Jay Rockefeller said recently and he suggested basically that some of the political opposition to President Obama could have something to do with the color of his skin. Do... continue reading
When CNN held a “town hall” meeting for Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, the evidence suggests it would be stacked to the Left. Our analysis of “town hall” presidential debates has shown a persistent two-to-one tilt of liberal questions versus conservative questions from audience members. True to form, CNN host Christiane Amanpour selected five questions from the liberal agenda, and only one from the right – wondering if Obama pulled out of Iraq too quickly. There were five neutral questioners, but four were softballs like what words she would use to describe herself. The first citizen questioner offered the Iraq question... continue reading
CNN host Erin Burnett did her best to provide cover for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the issue of Benghazi during a highly combative interview with Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). Cruz appeared on Erin Burnett OutFront on Tuesday, June 17 and was immediately met with a barrage of questions from the CNN host in which she defended Ms. Clinton from numerous criticisms over Benghazi. Burnett began the confrontational interview by wondering “Do you think you're emboldening her by continuing with these investigations?” before laying into Cruz. The GOP senator insisted: The truth isn't partisan. They're basic questions that... continue reading
CBS Evening News seems to have shifted from merely reporting the news to becoming an advocate. On Tuesday, June 17, fill-in host Jeff Glor introduced a segment on gun control that sounded more like anti-gun propaganda from Michael Bloomberg than an actual news report. Glor began by hyping “Today, the man who reenergized the movement for stricter gun laws took his fight to the nation's capital. Last month, Richard Martinez lost his son, one of six student shots or stabbed to death near the University of California Santa Barbara.” The report then turned to Nancy Cordes who offered a puff... continue reading
CBS This Morning on Tuesday continued its role as the biggest cheerleader of legalized marijuana. Reporter Barry Petersen hailed the role of women in Colorado's expanding pot industry. A network graphic touted, "Breaking the Grass Ceiling." Except for one throw-away line, the entire segment avoided the health dangers of marijuana. Instead, Petersen hyped women and pot: "And as in other businesses, women are changing attitudes with sheer competence." [MP3 audio here .] The reporter talked to one woman who had received criticism for selling pot brownies. Petersen empathized, Somebody said to you, you're a bad person because you're around marijuana... continue reading