Last year, Entertainment Weekly magazine honored the arrival of a viciously anti-Catholic tilt on the FX show “American Horror Story: Asylum,” promoting how actress “Jessica Lange returns, this time as a terrifying nun." Bigotry sells – big – in Tinseltown. This year, after that “Asylum” season aired, Hollywood has honored the show again by showering it with 17 Emmy nominations. There’s a reason Hollywood revels in Catholic-bashing. The Catholic Church best represents for them an ancient organization with a creed which refuses to genuflect before the modern god of La La Land: untrammeled whims of lust and greed. Ryan Murphy,... continue reading
President Obama is announcing for the umpteenth time he’s going to “pivot” to fixing the economy – as if that’s ever worked before, since it is he who broke it. That said, Obama will pivot to tiddlywinks if that’s what it takes to get out from under his mountain of scandals. On the White House website, Obama flack Dan Pfeiffer posted a blog demanding everyone pay attention to Obama’s latest speech in Galesburg, Illinois, expressing tender concern for the middle class. Meanwhile, he lamented “too many in Congress are trying to score political points, refight old battles, and trump up... continue reading
The dwindling number of people still reading Rolling Stone know that just as MTV no longer is a music station, this is not just a music magazine. Nevertheless, the magazine’s covers are almost always rock and pop stars, and sometimes movie and TV actors. In recent months, that list has included glamorizing shots of Jay-Z, Rihanna, Bruno Mars, and Justin Bieber (who’s now “Hot, Ready, Legal”). But nearly every issue also carries political commentary from fiercely frothing leftist writers like Matt Taibbi. When the editors decided to put Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover, they knew they were... continue reading
The central criticism of the George Zimmerman trial is that there was one. It was simply impossible to convict him of anything beyond a reasonable doubt. The central criticism of the coverage of this trial was that there was any. How did this story merit consideration as national news? Why was the death of Trayvon Martin a thousand times more newsworthy than any other person shot on an American street? Answer: because Al Sharpton and other race-hustlers wanted it that way. Liberal journalists loved to suggest that the lives of young blacks in America are worth less than white lives... continue reading
Today’s children live and breathe in a popular culture that teaches them to accept the worst kinds of sexual exploitation and violence as a normal part of life. They’re even encouraged to laugh at the idea. The Parents Television Council has issued a new report on “TV’s Newest Target: Teen Sexual Exploitation.” Out of 238 scripted episodes which aired during the study period in 2011 and 2012, 150 episodes (63 percent) contained sexual content in scenes that were associated with females and 33 percent of the episodes contained sexual content that rose to the level of sexual exploitation. The PTC... continue reading
The re-election of President Obama has left most conservatives in a very pessimistic frame of mind. How could the majority of voters not see Obama had failed to prevent ongoing economic stagnation and the threat of bankruptcy? How could they endorse additional layer upon additional layer of bureaucratic intervention when the economic results were so awful? Donald J. Devine was Ronald Reagan's pick to head the Office of Personnel Management and is today vice chair of the American Conservative Union. You might see him as the personification of the pessimistic frame of mind. Several years ago he approached me for... continue reading
Two years ago, a humor website called The Washington Fancy presented the headline “Obama Cancels July 4th Because of Budget Cuts.” The fake article in the middle of debt-ceiling battles insisted “President Obama sees the cancellation of the holiday as due punishment for Congress’s recent behavior.” It continued: “Canceling the July 4th holiday will save states and cities billions of dollars in money that would have normally been spent on Chinese fireworks and large brass bands.” It’s not funny anymore. Now, with what AP falsely calls the “congressionally mandated” sequester cuts, military bases have done just that. They have cancelled... continue reading
A federal judge has finally selected a trial date for accused Fort Hood mass-murderer Nidal Malik Hasan – July 9. We’ll see if it actually happens. If you’ve forgotten that mass shooting, then the media had scored a point for President Obama. The Pentagon dismissed the terrorist attack as “workplace violence,” the Obama media nodded in agreement and the massacre vanished from public memory. Hasan went on his deadly rampage, killing 13 and wounding another 32, on November 5, 2009. By the beginning of 2010, the networks were already in “sleep” mode. On the one-year anniversary, only NBC filed a... continue reading
Feminism as a political cause is on such wobbly knees that it must rely on charges of rampant sexism that have no basis in reality. The current Exhibit A is “Think Progress” blogger Alyssa Rosenberg, who surely scrunched up her face in disgust as she wrote the headline “Women Are Half Of Video Gamers, So Where Are The Female Video Game Characters?” Serious long-term video game fans should laugh at Rosenberg’s ignorance and laziness. This headline had all the style and finesse of a belly flop into an empty swimming pool. To document the first half of the headline, she... continue reading
The media elites have never been less interested in objectivity than they are right now on “gay marriage.” They don’t wear rainbow flags on their lapels when they appear on television, but the coverage speaks for itself. Even liberals are admitting the obvious. The Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) studied a sample of almost 500 news stories from March to May and admitted “statements of support dominate” the daily narrative. “The study lends credence to conservative charges that the nation's news media have championed the issue of same-sex marriage at the expense of objectivity," media reporter... continue reading