Samuel Burke touted Amazon's new streaming TV series Transparent on Monday's CNN Newsroom as " groundbreaking ," and underlined that it's " tackling a topic that TV has rarely touched ." The main character in the series, "Moira," is an elderly father who begins to dress as a woman. Burke acclaimed that " this role of a 70-year-old trans-gender character might just give Netflix a run for its money ." [MP3 audio available here ; video below ] Anchor Carol Costello led into the correspondent's report by outlining that "Netflix created huge buzz with original series, like House of Cards... continue reading
Joe Biden committed a string of gaffes over the last several days, but they have gone largely unchallenged by disinterested networks. Over the weekend, the Vice President was forced to apologize to the United Arab Emirates and Turkey. This came in the wake of using an expletive to describe his office. On Monday, only CBS This Morning 's Charlie Rose reported, "Vice President Biden is apologizing to two American allies this morning for suggesting they helped ISIS." [MP3 audio here .] He added, "Biden told a Harvard University audience that Turkey and the United Arab Emirates gave money and weapons... continue reading
While interrogating Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, host Chuck Todd spat out a nasty attack line against the GOP regarding a new Texas law requiring abortion clinics to have hospital-level medical standards: "One of the things about the Republican Party is you don't like a lot of regulation on businesses, except if the business is a abortion clinic." Todd continued his rant: "80% of these abortion clinics in Texas are going to be basically out of business because of this new law. Too much regulation? Is that fair? Why regulate on the... continue reading
Appearing on Monday's NBC Today , ex-CNN host Piers Morgan kept up the anti-gun crusade that caused his ratings to plummet, denouncing his colleagues in the press: "I wish more American media people, American news anchors stood up. Because so many of them privately to me would say, 'I love what you're doing. Keep going, it's really important.' But I never heard that on air. And I think there's a certain moral cowardice in the media in America that needs to be addressed about guns." Co-host Matt Lauer began the interview by asking Morgan if he had spent the five... continue reading
On Friday night, Ben Affleck appeared on HBO's Real Time w/ Bill Maher and participated in a heated debate with fellow liberal Bill Maher over radical Islam’s influence on the Muslim world. Following the highly contentious fight, Monday’s CBS This Morning did its best to defend Affleck, portraying him as a well-respected liberal who “is known not only as an actor and Oscar-winning producer but also as the founder of the Eastern Congo Initiative, promoting the area’s economic and social development.” Co-host Norah O’Donnell began the segment by heaping praise on Affleck’s latest film and proclaimed that he “had a... continue reading
Talk about a conflict of interest. Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd sat down with former Senator Jim Webb (D-V.A.) for an interview Sunday morning and set up the discussion by declaring how his wife worked on the Democrat’s 2006 Senate campaign. The NBC News Political Director introduced the Virginia Democrat by highlighting how Webb is “a successful author and screenwriter and has written eight books over the years. And I do want to mention that my wife helped Jim Webb in his 2006 Senate campaign.” While Todd should be commended for revealing his wife’s work helping to elect Senator... continue reading
It appears as though former Obama official Van Jones has taken Rahm Emmanuel’s belief that you never “want a good crisis go to waste” to heart during a Sunday appearance on ABC’s This Week w/ George Stephanopoulos . During a panel discussion on the upcoming midterm elections, Jones, a co-host of CNN's Crossfire , suggested that Democrats should point out that the “Ebola thing is the best argument you can make for the kind of government that we believe in.” After host George Stephanopoulos highlighted how “Nate Silver's team at FiveThirtyEight gives the GOP a 59% of retaking the Senate”... continue reading
Once again, CBS has proved that it is the lone “big three” network that attempts to be a real news network. Friday’s CBS Evening News w/ Scott Pelley actually reported on the rise of anti-Semitism in Germany primarily caused by Muslims immigrating into the country. Anchor Scott Pelley highlighted how “tonight, armed guards have been posted at synagogues throughout Germany for the start of Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement. Mark Phillips reports anti-Semitism is once again on the rise in Europe, especially in Germany.” As the segment continued, reporter Mark Phillips pointed out how “the tensions have been... continue reading
MSNBC anchor Krystal Ball and NBC correspondent Anne Thompson shamelessly politicized the Ebola crisis in a Thursday op-ed on Ball and Thompson bewailed how due to " Senate dysfunction and NRA opposition, we don't have a surgeon general right now ....during a time when, we not only have Ebola arriving on our shores, but are also dealing with the mysterious Enterovirus, which is infecting and contributing to the deaths of children in the U.S." The two on-air personalities led their piece, " How the NRA is making the Ebola crisis worse ," by noting that "poll by Harvard found... continue reading
At the conclusion of the 6:30 a.m. news briefing during Friday’s New Day on CNN, substitute news reader John Berman played video of Vice President Joe Biden jokingly asking Harvard University’s student body vice president if he finds his job “a b****” after the student introduced himself to ask a question. Following the video and Berman iterating that Biden later clarified that he does indeed like his job and “the guy that he works for,” New Day host Chris Cuomo gushed how he “still love[s] Biden for what he is” and that “ I think his candor is refreshing.” [MP3... continue reading