On Monday's NBC Today , 9 a.m. ET hour co-host Willie Geist actually tried to spin top Democratic Party surrogates like Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton mispronouncing the name of Iowa Senate candidate Bruce Braley as a boost to Braley's campaign: "But now he's getting a lot of name recognition. Maybe it was like evil genius move, who knows?" So his biggest supporters not knowing his name helps with name recognition? In the clip of the First Lady that was featured, she even went so far as to direct people to the wrong website: "You need to elect Bruce Bailey... continue reading
Last week, the Supreme Court declined to hear several Appeals Court cases on gay marriages, which resulted in bans on gay marriage being struck down in numerous states across the country. Following the Supreme Court’s decision to punt on the issue of gay marriage, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd saw this as a sign that social conservatism was declining and obnoxiously asked “is it time for conservatives to surrender in the culture wars?” After playing a pre-packaged segment on the evolution of social conservatism in the United States, the NBC host did his best to portray social conservatives as... continue reading
On Sunday’s This Week , ABC’s Jim Avila gave Democrat Julian Castro, newly appointed Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, nearly 5 minutes of promotional airtime to play up his political ambitions. The ABC reporter began the Castro advertisement by declaring “he's just 77 days into his new job, but ever since his swearing in, so many Democrats have skipped ahead trying to figure out what's next for the rising star? Could he be on a presidential ticket in 2016?” Avila continued to heap praise on the Texas Democrat and hyped how “President Obama called him an all-star and made... continue reading
Appearing on Friday’s edition of MSNBC’s The Daily Rundown , the reporter with The Washington Post who broke the story that White House officials knew that advance team member Jonathan Dach had a prostitute stay in his hotel room during the 2012 Colombian prostitution scandal joined the program and took to blasting the White House’s numerous claims that no such cover-up exists. Reporter Carol Leonnig spoke with MSNBC’s Craig Melvin and slammed the Obama administration right from the moment she began speaking for their “red herring” of “the mistaken identity” and that it was “demonstrably false” for them “to say... continue reading
On Friday, the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank implied something truly dastardly about Republicans - that they wouldn’t mind if the President of the United States was violently removed from office due to inadequate Secret Service protection. During a discussion about Republicans using fear to motivate voters in the midterms, on MSNBC’s The Cycle , Milbank sneered that Republicans were “even making a campaign issue of the Secret Service saying, ‘things are so bad that even the President of the United States -- the President of the United States we would like to remove from office by the way -- is... continue reading
ABC, CBS, and NBC punted on covering the poignant "bucket list" created by Jenna and Dan Haley for their son, Shane, who developed in his mother's womb with a major genetic defect. Shane Haley was born on Thursday morning, and died just a few hours later. The Big Three networks ignored the story on their Thursday evening and Friday morning newscasts, despite the couple gaining hundreds of thousands of followers on Facebook , who followed the Haleys checking off the items on their list. Instead, ABC's World News Tonight devoted a nine-second news brief to Alaska law enforcement deciding not... continue reading
Glossing over the vulnerability of Democratic candidates in the upcoming midterm election, a story on Friday's NBC Today downplayed President Obama's unpopularity and instead touted him jetting to a star-studded California fundraiser to raise money for his ailing political party. White House correspondent Chris Jansing proclaimed: "While his job approval ratings have mostly kept him away from candidates, he can still raise a lot of money for the November election." Jansing detailed Obama's latest quest for campaign cash: "President Obama headed to his 53rd fundraiser of the year, at Gwyneth Paltrow's house....Inside, Paltrow gushed over the President while introducing him,... continue reading
On Friday morning, ABC’s Good Morning America aired a news brief that described state voter identification laws struck down in Texas and Wisconsin as “restrictive” and passed on the opinion of the judge who put Texas’s law on hold as being “a poll tax designed to keep minorities from voting.” During the 7:00 a.m. hour, newsreader Amy Robach offered the following news brief: "Back in this country, restrictive new voter ID laws are on hold in Wisconsin and Texas this morning, just weeks before Election Day. A federal judge overturned it the Texas Law, comparing it to a poll tax... continue reading
According to a report in The Washington Post , senior White House officials knew that an individual with the White House advance team had a prostitute spend the night with him as part of the 2012 Colombian prostitution scandal despite the White House previously denying any involvement during the official investigation. After failing to cover the story on their morning newscasts, ABC and NBC continued that blackout into their Thursday evening newscasts as well. The CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley ignored the story as well, despite the network having aired a full report on Thursday’s CBS This Morning ... continue reading
In a Thursday column for The Daily Beast, former CNN contributor Roland Martin attacked the supposed " cowardly bullies " at the National Rifle Association for opposing President Obama's surgeon general nominee. Martin's op-ed follows in the footsteps of MSNBC's Krystal Ball and NBC's Anne Thompson, who politicized the Ebola crisis nearly a week earlier when they bemoaned that due to "Senate dysfunction and NRA opposition, we don't have a surgeon general right now." Martin did have one original component to his piece: placing some of the blame on the President and his administration for being "unwilling to engage in... continue reading