
On her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Tuesday, host Andrea Mitchell kept pushing the left-wing talking point that former CIA director Michael Hayden was somehow being sexist when he criticized the biased report put out by Senator Dianne Feinstein about Bush-era interrogation tactics against terror suspects: "...Hayden suggested on Fox News Sunday this week that Intelligence chair Dianne Feinstein was somehow overreacting. Perhaps it's a woman thing?" [ Listen to the audio ] Mitchell invited on Senator Feinstein and teed her up to condemn Hayden's supposedly anti-woman remarks: "I mean, where do we come down in this day... continue reading
On Tuesday evening, the networks all dutifully touted President Obama's call for equal pay for women in the workplace. NBC and CBS ignored Obama's hypocrisy – the pay gap that exists among his own White House staff. ABC's Diane Sawyer put a dramatic spin on the news, saying Obama called for "action" on the "explosive issue of equal pay for equal work." World News did note the GOP response that women in the White House earn 88 percent of the men's salaries, but relegated that important fact to the very end of the report. Neither NBC nor CBS reported it... continue reading
On Tuesday's New Day , CNN's John King targeted President Obama and his administration for their " textbook case ... of do as I say, not as I do " on the issue of equal pay for women. After playing a clip of Press Secretary Jay Carney playing up how the 88 cents on the dollar women in the White House apparently make compared to men is "better than the national average," King quipped, " I guess the coach would say, is that the best you got? " The journalist also spotlighted two past studies involving the White House and... continue reading
During live coverage of President Obama signing two executive orders on "equal pay" on Tuesday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell announced: "He is basically signing an executive order which will be a big deal for federal contractors – think about all the federal contracts in the defense and intelligence communities alone – but it's also a big political issue." [ Listen to the audio ] Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus proclaimed: "It's a very big political issue and it is a winning political issue for President Obama and Democrats, and they know it ....There is a gender gap that hugely favors... continue reading
Good Morning America reporters on Tuesday reminded viewers that a Congressman who has been caught in an alleged affair with a staffer is a "conservative Republican." GMA , which is co-hosted by former Bill Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos, also included a network graphic that hyped: " Conservative Asks for Forgiveness." [MP3 audio here .] ABC routinely downplays the political ID for Democrats involved in scandals, but correspondent Jeff Zeleny informed viewers about Vance McAllister of Louisiana, noting, "Just one month earlier, the conservative Republican was sworn into office, surrounded by his wife and five children." During his days as a... continue reading
On Tuesday's CBS This Morning , White House correspondent Major Garrett completely dismantled President Obama's left-wing talking points on the supposed gender pay gap of women making 77 cents on the dollar compared to men, reporting: "The White House is getting...roughed up by hits own pay equity rhetoric." [ Listen to the audio ] Garrett used the administration's hypocrisy on the issue to fact check the false claims: "An analysis of White House salaries, which nobody here disputes, shows that the median income of female staffers is 88% of that of male staffers.... Now, the White House said it's gender... continue reading
Monday's network evening news casts ignored a new GOP claim that Tea Party groups were indeed singled out for "systematic scrutiny" by the IRS. House Republicans released a report that said the IRS began special investigations in 2010 by targeting only Tea Party groups. Of the first three groups investigated, two of them eventually dropped their applications for non-profit status. The networks were silent about the report on Monday evening, however. Fox News reported the story on Monday, however. On the Record host Greta van Susteren stated, "Now to news in the IRS targeting scandal. Today, the House Oversight Committee... continue reading
On Monday's Special Report , Fox News media analyst Howard Kurtz ripped the media double standard on the resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich. After news surfaced that Eich supported California's Prop 8 six years ago, gay activists were furious and Eich resigned amidst a firestorm of controversy. Kurtz noted that the network evening newscasts completely ignored the story last week, but probably would have "been in an uproar" had Eich been a gay rights supporter and his company conservative. [Audio here .] "But consider this, if a conservative company had pushed out a CEO for supporting gay marriage, chances... continue reading
On his Monday show, MSNBC's Ed Schultz ripped the "mainstream media" for – wait for it – not being fair enough to ObamaCare. Of course, the only examples of "media bias" that Schultz displayed were from conservative guests and pundits. Apparently, the press has discounted all the positives of ObamaCare. "If you had been in a time capsule for the last five years and just happened to wake up yesterday morning, you would have thought that health care in America had failed," Schultz insisted. [Video below the break. Audio here .] "What number would the mainstream media be happy with... continue reading
Carrie Johnson's Monday report on NPR's Morning Edition could have been mistaken as an informercial for the left-of-center ACLU and the NAACP's efforts to help "protect minority voting rights," after the Supreme Court's Shelby County v. Holder decision from June 2013. Johnson played up how " a divided Supreme Court gutted part of that law – throwing into chaos a system that had required...states to ask for federal permission before making election changes." All but one of the correspondent's talking heads during the segment were liberal activists who lamented the Court's decision, but she failed to point out their political... continue reading