ABC, NBC and CBS routinely offer fawning coverage over Michelle Obama and her role as First Lady. However, a growing protest related to a planned gradation speech in Kansas has been ignored by the networks. Fox and Friends covered the story on Sunday. Co-anchor Ainsley Earhardt explained, "The five high schools in the district would have a single ceremony, limiting the number of guests that each student can invite." She added, "Students and parents spoke out at a recent school board meeting saying that she might...upstage their big day." [MP3 audio here .] A petition has almost 2500 signatures... continue reading
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is often talked about as the liberal alternative to Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016. As such, the hosts of CBS This Morning used their exclusive interview with the Massachusetts Democrat to press her on her presidential ambitions as well as promote her liberal agenda. Appearing on CBS on Tuesday, April 22, co-host Gayle King lobbied Warren to consider running for president: "You sit today as a United States senator. And people are already thinking, buzz, buzz, buzz, president president, president. I have heard you say no. I've heard you say no... continue reading
Former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson was blunt in her interview with CNN’s Brian Stelter on Sunday's Reliable Sources . Stelter tried to ask if CBS lost interest in investigative journalism to favor Obama or every administration. “I didn’t sense any resistance to doing stories that were perceived to be negative to the Bush administration – by anybody, ever. I have done stories that were not received well because people thought they would reflect poorly upon this administration.” Attkisson declared old managers moved out, and “ideologically entrenched” ones moved in (Videos below): Stelter asked about Pat Shevlin, the current CBS... continue reading
Monday's edition of ABC's World News did liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren a huge favor by touting her "fight to save the middle class," with no label of her as "liberal" and no question of her political motivations in the segment promoting the Massachusetts Senator's new book. The segment was over four minutes long, a huge chunk of the World News , and was full of admiration for Warren's efforts. Correspondent David Muir began his report hailing her as "the woman on the front lines" of "the fight to save the middle class." [Audio excerpt here .] Perhaps the most fluffy... continue reading
CBS This Morning journalist Barry Petersen on Monday offered a puff piece on legalized pot in Colorado, displaying no skepticism about health effects. Instead, he happily explained that "more than 60,000 gathered to party for 4/20. In marijuana lore, the day in April to celebrate all things pot." Petersen noted that the convention includes "an actual trophy for the best pot." [MP3 audio here .] He informed viewers that the award went to "a Denver-grown variety called Ghost Train Haze." The entire story contained zero mention of any downside to increased pot use, despite the just-released study concluding that even... continue reading
On Sunday's This Week on ABC, CNN's S.E. Cupp called on social conservative Christians to drop their opposition to same-sex "marriage" and adoption: " I will say conservatives have got to move on gay marriage ....[and] on gay adoption. If abortion is the abhorrent option – and I believe it is – then adoption by any two loving people has got to be the better option ." Democratic strategist Donna Brazile agreed with the atheist Crossfire host, and took the opportunity to attack conservatives by implying that they are somehow against human rights and in favor of human trafficking: [MP3... continue reading
Since word broke on Thursday night that Chelsea Clinton will be having a baby, ABC has fixated over the news, devoting 12 minutes and 47 seconds of coverage to the arrival of America's new "royal" child. Yet, the same network totally ignored the latest delay of the Kyestone XL pipeline by the Obama administration (and the political ramifications that go with it). On Friday morning, ABC reporter Bianna Golodryga hyped , "Move over, Prince George, though. This morning, Americans have their own royal, or, rather, presidential baby, to look forward to." On Sunday, This Week avoided Keystone, yet the ABC... continue reading
On Friday April 18 , the Obama Administration announced yet another delay on whether or not to proceed with the Keystone XL pipeline. The Obama Administration’s decision came in the wake of a new ABC News-Washington Post poll which found 65 percent of Americans support the construction of the pipeline with only 22 percent opposed. Following the latest delay, NBC mostly ignored the story, giving it a paltry 18-seconds on the Saturday April 19 Today . Keystone was briefly mentioned on Sunday’s Meet the Press during an interview between moderator David Gregory and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL). CNBC’s Squawk Box... continue reading
Chelsea Clinton announced this week that she and her husband Marc Mezvinsky are expecting their first child, and the big three networks dutifully heaped enormous praise on the entire Clinton family. After the initial fawning coverage on April 17 and 18 , ABC’s Good Morning America took the Clinton baby obsession to a new level on Sunday April 20. ABC’s Susan Saulny began the 2 minute 3 second report by declaring “Prince George is doing wonders for the royal family's popularity. Look at those cheeks. This morning, speculation abounds. Could Chelsea Clinton's own baby announcement have a similar impact on... continue reading
Both ABC and CBS carved out a few seconds on their Thursday evening and Friday morning newscasts to boost President Obama’s claims of success for his ObamaCare program. Filling in for Diane Sawyer, ABC World News anchor David Muir cheered the “ major milestone ” of an alleged eight million enrollees, while CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley said the enrollment figures were a “ recent success ” for the health care law. Gone was the skepticism that some reporters, like ABC’s Jon Karl, showed at the end of March when ObamaCare was nearing seven million sign-ups, as he threw... continue reading