Both the ABC World News and the NBC Nightly News reported GOP Congressman Michael Grimm's federal charges of tax evasion on Monday evening, but when former Democratic Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. was hit with campaign finance charges back in 2013, ABC ignored the story that evening and NBC failed to label him a Democrat. On Monday's Nightly News , anchor Brian Williams reported "big trouble tonight" for Grimm, highlighting his party affiliation: "The Republican who happens to be a former FBI agent." World News anchor Diane Sawyer stated that Grimm "was once called a rising star in the Republican party,... continue reading
Monday evening's broadcast network newscasts ignored Secretary of State John Kerry saying that Israel risks becoming an "apartheid state" if it doesn't adopt a two-state solution with Palestine. Kerry made the comments on Friday in a closed-door meeting, and the ensuing outrage extended to both Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill. "A two-state solution will be clearly underscored as the only real alternative. Because a unitary state winds up either being an apartheid state with second-class citizens—or it ends up being a state that destroys the capacity of Israel to be a Jewish state," Kerry said, in comments reported by... continue reading
ABC, CBS, and NBC spotlighted the issue of child sex abuse by priests on their Saturday morning and evening newscasts – twenty-four hours or less before the Catholic Church canonized Popes John XXIII and John Paul II. CBS and NBC both uncritically turned to the president of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), but didn't mention her controversial affiliations with prominent anti-Catholics. CBS and ABC also hyped how "some of the faithful have complained the canonization process was fast-tracked." ABC's Terry Moran even inserted some slanted labeling of the Catholic practice of venerating the relics of saints on... continue reading
At the end of Sunday's NBC Meet the Press , the entire panel of guests was enthralled by President Obama sharing his biggest regret during an overseas townhall event – wishing he spent more time with his mother before her death. After playing a sound bite of the President, host David Gregory gushed: "What a tender moment, and a great life lesson in that, right?" [ Listen to the audio ] Center for American Progress president Neera Tanden proclaimed: "And I have to say, as a mom, I can't think of a better message myself....I know the President's mother did... continue reading
In just over 36 hours, the three network morning and evening shows have already devoted 70 minutes of coverage to racist comments apparently made by Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling. Yet, ABC, CBS and NBC have ignored Sterling's long history of supporting Democrats, including Senator Patrick Leahy, Bill Bradley and Gray Davis. ABC offered the most coverage. Since Sterling was allegedly caught on tape ranting about "blacks," the network has promoted the story for 24 minutes and 48 seconds. CBS followed up with 23 minutes and five seconds. NBC came in a close third with 22 minutes and 18... continue reading
In an interview with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press , host David Gregory attempted to blame the war in Iraq for ongoing Islamic terrorism by citing the former head of Britain's MI-5 claiming the conflict "increased the terrorist threat by convincing more people that Osama bin Laden's claim that Islam was under attack was correct" and "provided an arena for the jihad for which he had called." [ Listen to the audio ] In response, Blair blasted the argument: "We've got to liberate ourselves from this, because we're making a huge error when... continue reading
Grammy Award-winning songwriter Diane Warren , best known for penning pop hits like “How Do I Live” and “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing,” savagely attacked conservative Republican Ted Cruz for smiling over a tiger-skin rug he purchased for his office. On Thursday Warren angrily tweeted that she wished the tiger could “trade places with U.” [WARNING: STRONG LANGUAGE] On April 24 Warren tweeted (and eventually deleted) the following: Fuck U Texas senator ted cruz U for smiling over that beautiful murdered animal. I wish It could trade places w U and smile over ur body. — Diane Warren... continue reading
Appearing on NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, HBO Real Sports host and former Today show co-host Bryant Gumbel argued that alleged racist comments by NBA Clippers owner Donald Sterling were an indication of broader racism in America: "We historically, whether it's Donald Sterling or Cliven Bundy or Trayvon Martin, we look at a tip of the iceberg and we ignore the mass underneath it. And really, that's what – that's where the problem lies." [ Listen to the audio ] Also on the Sunday morning program, left-wing activist and MSNBC host Al Sharpton quickly voiced his agreement with Gumbel:... continue reading
Former Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) appeared on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, April 27 and was bombarded with a variety of liberal questions from host Bob Schieffer. Santorum was on CBS to promote his newest book “Blue Collar Conservatives” and was immediately met with a barrage of questions about gun control, specifically the new gun rights law in Georgia. Schieffer fretted over the new law and asked the Republican “I want to ask you about this gun law that they just passed down in Georgia, which, as I understand it, allows people to take guns into airports. Do you... continue reading
Following a glowing profile of Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, sat down with the liberal senator on the Sunday April 27th This Week with George Stephanopoulos and heaped praise on his guest. The ABC host hyped how Warren’s book was “The first step about having ideas drive the agenda right now in Washington now and in the future. How do you build on it?" As the interview continued, Stephanopoulos pushed Warren from the left and asked the Massachusetts senator “You described some pretty intense encounters with President Obama and his team, including Larry Summers, the former Treasury Secretary... continue reading