
Left-wing actress Ashley Judd likened Hillary Clinton to two Founding Fathers during a Friday interview with Larry King for online channel Ora. Judd gushed, " Obviously, I love Hillary Rodham Clinton ," and hyped that Mrs. Clinton " might be the most overqualified candidate we've had since – you know, Thomas Jefferson or George Washington ." The feminist activist sang the praises of the former secretary of state during the interview with the former CNN host: [ video below , via Ora TV] ASHLEY JUDD: I mean, obviously, I love Hillary Rodham Clinton. I had the opportunity, as I typically... continue reading
Even as his fellow Morning Joe co-hosts praised John McCain on Friday for denouncing Code Pink anti-war protesters who attempted to disrupt a Senate hearing as "low-life sum," MSNBC's Thomas Roberts lectured the Republican Senator for shutting down the intruders: "If people want to show up and protest, right? They should be allowed to hear their voices. And instead of calling Capitol Hill police and then calling them 'low-life scum.'" Bloomberg's John Heilemann was incredulous: "Really? You think you should be allowed to show up at a Senate hearing and just like disrupt a Senate hearing? I mean, I'm all... continue reading
The nation’s major broadcast networks continued their blackout on Friday morning of not covering the U.S. Senate’s passage of the Keystone XL oil pipeline with zero mentions on their morning newscasts. Following the Senate’s passage of the bill on Thursday by a bipartisan margin of 62-to-36, the networks passed on even devoting a news brief to the topic during their Thursday evening news programs. When it came to their no coverage on Friday, plenty of other things seemed to capture their attention. NBC’s Today aired a four-minutes-and-21-second segment that previewed and then unveiled an ad promoting their own show that... continue reading
The same networks that have repeatedly defended Eric Holder in the past are now quietly ignoring the congressional testimony of a Milwaukee sheriff who has slammed the Attorney General. Despite a combined eight hours of air time, CBS This Morning , Today and Good Morning America avoided covering David Clarke's outrage: "The incendiary rhetoric used by Eric Holder created a pathway for a false narrative that then became the rallying cry for cop haters across America." The sheriff made his remarks while testifying at the confirmation hearings of Holder's replacement, Loretta Lynch. (The networks have mostly ignored Lynch's confirmations in... continue reading
On her Thursday MSNBC show, host Andrea Mitchell was aghast at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreeing to speak before a joint session of Congress during an upcoming U.S. visit without consulting the Obama administration: "The White House is furious, furious at Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu and also a little bit angry at Speaker Boehner for inviting Netanyahu to speak before Congress, to a joint meeting of Congress without even consulting the administration – protocol would dictate that." Mitchell continued: "House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi even called Netanyahu to pass him the message that this is a really bad idea." A... continue reading
On Thursday night, the major broadcast networks declined to cover reports that one of the five Taliban detainees swapped for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in May 2014 has been seeking to rejoin the terrorism ranks by contacting Taliban members back in Afghanistan. The news, which was broken by CNN Thursday afternoon, came following reports on Wednesday from Fox News and NBC News that the Army could be pressing desertion charges against Bergdahl for leaving his post prior to his capture in 2009. Since that story arose, however, the Pentagon has denied those allegations. In article published on, CNN Pentagon... continue reading
The U.S. Senate took the step Thursday of approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline in a bipartisan fashion by a margin of 62-to-36, with nine Democrats joining 53 Republicans to pass it for the first time after failing to do so under the previous Congress. When the major English and Spanish language networks aired their Thursday evening newscasts, however, the news of the bill’s passage was nowhere to be found. Not a single second of coverage on Keystone appeared on English language networks ABC, CBS, and NBC in addition to Spanish-language networks Telemundo and Univision. Meanwhile, the Fox News Channel’s... continue reading
During an appearance on Thursday's Morning Joe , Ayman Mohyeldin, NBC News foreign correspondent, make some highly controversial remarks about the Academy Award nominated film American Sniper. Speaking to the MSNBC panel, Mohyeldin proclaimed that "people have described his [Chris Kyle] racist tendencies towards Iraqis and Muslims when he was going on some of these, you know, killing sprees in Iraq." To their credit, Joe Scarborough and Willie Geist pushed back against Mohyeldin's slander. AYMAN MOHYELDIN: It is a very compelling, very thought-provoking, very emotional movie. JOE SCARBOROUGH: B-u-u-u-u-t? MOHYELDIN: When you juxtapose it with the real Chris Kyle and... continue reading
Appearing on Thursday's NBC Today to promote his new film Black or White, actor Kevin Costner stood by his criticism of left-wing activist Michael Moore, following Moore's remarks slamming military sniper Chris Kyle as a "coward": "I just felt that those comments were, from my point of view, really wrong." Costner was prompted by co-host Matt Lauer: "'ve made some headlines in your comments about American Sniper and Michael Moore's comments about that movie. You even weighed in on you find that the older you get the more opinionated you get or are you more willing to share you're... continue reading
On MSNBC's PoliticsNation on Tuesday, host Al Sharpton touted liberal Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank making a "bold prediction" about the remainder of Barack Obama's presidency: " wrote, quote, 'If the economy continues on its current trajectory, as most expect, he'll leave office a popular president and leave the 2016 Democratic nominee with a relatively easy past to victory.'" Milbank doubled down on the prediction made in his column printed in Sunday's newspaper (online on Friday): "Well, it's not so surprising. He crossed fifty percent today. I think he's on his way up to fifty-five percent, that puts him in... continue reading