
Following the lead of ABC and CBS from Thursday morning, NBC Nightly News cheered President Barack Obama’s newest initiative that would require private businesses “to guarantee” their employees “at least seven” paid sick days and affect 43 million Americans, with Chris Jansing forwarding a tired liberal talking point: "The U.N. says only the U.S. and Papua New Guinea don't have some mandatory paid time off for new moms." While senior White House correspondent Jansing interviewed the owner of a Maryland carpet company opposed to the President’s proposal, she had three quotes (compared to one from the business owner) from someone... continue reading
During Thursday’s NBC Nightly News , NBC News chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell enthusiastically promoted the new and “dramatic changes” set to go into effect on Friday that will allow Americans to more easily trade with and travel to/from Cuba as causing the Cold War to end. In leading off her report, Mitchell announced to viewers: “In Havana, dramatic change after more than a half-century. Tomorrow the Cold War will be over. A huge opening for U.S. and Cuban travel and trade.” She went on to outline the many changes that Americans will be able to take advantage of,... continue reading
As of 6 pm Eastern on Thursday, CNN has devoted just 19 seconds of air time to the release of five prisoners from Guantanamo Bay detention facilities – a news brief during the New Day program. This is still more coverage than CBS and NBC, as both Big Three networks ignored the story on their Thursday morning newscasts. ABC gave a 16-second news brief on Good Morning America . Anchor Michaela Pereira gave the news brief 11 minutes into the 7 am Eastern hour of the CNN morning show: [ video below ] MICHAELA PEREIRA: Five Yemeni inmates held at... continue reading
On Wednesday’s edition of The Cycle on MSNBC, NBC News terrorism expert Evan Kohlmann was at it again, telling the hosts that we, as Americans, must “put ourselves in the eyes” of Islamic terrorists considering “there wouldn't be violent attacks but there would be an uproar” and “anger” among Christians if Muslims burned crosses or trampled “Christian artifacts.” After giving his thoughts on freedom of speech and the broader freedom of expression, Kohlmann launched into explaining how we must come to understand those who commit terrorist acts in the name of Islam: “We have to put ourselves in the eyes... continue reading
Curtis Kalin of (a division of the Media Research Center) spotlighted how CNN religion editor Daniel Burke likened French society's treatment of Muslims to the situation in Ferguson, Missouri around the time of the shooting of Michael Brown. Anchor Carol Costello turned to Burke during a panel discussion segment on Wednesday's CNN Newsroom , and underlined that " Muslims in France – they don't feel accepted by the country. They feel that many racist acts are carried out against them . Is the anger within France ... coming from that, and not really religion? " After dropping his reference... continue reading
The media’s obsession with the Kennedys reared its ugly head once again on Thursday when CBS This Morning spent four minutes of its broadcast obsessing over newly released letters from Jacqueline Kennedy written to her favorite fashion designers. While all three CBS hosts beamed at Kennedy’s “flair for fashion” it was her supposed love of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that received the most attention with co-host Gayle King proclaiming that “there’s something cool knowing that she ate peanut butter and jelly. I like that.” CBS’ fawning coverage of Kennedy began with reporter Vicente Arenas declaring “elegant, sophisticated, graceful. Just... continue reading
Of the three networks, only ABC on Thursday reported that Barack Obama's administration has transferred five more detainees out of Guantanamo Bay . The network allowed a scant 16 seconds to the news, but CBS and NBC totally skipped it. Good Morning America 's Amy Robach briefly summarized "The men were accused of fighting for Al Qaeda. The release sparking protests in Congress." She added, "Many of the prisoners were transferred to Oman which shares a border with Yemen, a hotbed of al Qaeda activity." Despite a combined six hours of air time, NBC's Today and CBS This Morning couldn't... continue reading
During an interview with Senator Marco Rubio on Tuesday, PBS host Charlie Rose urged the Florida Republican to say something positive about ObamaCare: "What's the best thing you can say about the Affordable Care Act?" Rubio replied: "That it's forced us to have a debate about health insurance in America." Rose fretted: "That's it?" Rose tried to push supportive spin on the unpopular policy: "In terms of accessibility, in terms of – it has not been as – I mean, the projected costs have not been as bad as they assumed." Rubio countered: "They've not been as good as they... continue reading
On Thursday, ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS This Morning eagerly promoted President Obama’s latest proposal that would require all private companies provide their employees with “at least seven days of paid sick leave.” NBC’s Today did not cover President Obama’s initiative on their Thursday morning broadcast. During the network coverage of Obama’s initiative, GMA co-host Robin Roberts cheered on the program and insisted that “studies have shown again and again and again that paid sick leave, not only benefits workers and their families but employers, as well, because productivity goes up.” On CBS This Morning , co-host Norah O’Donnell... continue reading
At the conclusion of a story on Wednesday’s CBS Evening News on the drop in gas prices and how Americans feel about the economy, CBS News senior business correspondent Anthony Mason felt that it was important to inform viewers that President Obama’s approval rating has improved six points from October in the latest CBS News poll . “All this has also helped lift President Obama's job approval rating. It's still below 50 percent, but at 46 percent, it's jumped seven points from October, just before the midterm elections,” Mason stated. Earlier in the report, Mason covered other numbers from the... continue reading