Jason Quick

Philanthropic Advisor, Western region

Jason Quick is the Philanthropic Advisor, Western region, where he fosters relationships with conservative-minded philanthropists and helps make sure they meet their charitable investment goals.  

Before joining the MRC, Jason worked at the National Rifle Association for over 16 years, earning many accolades, including the prestigious “NRA Executive Vice President Award.” He ended his tenure at the NRA as Regional Director of Advancement for the Southwest Region. 

Born and raised on the coast of the California/Oregon border, Jason still calls the West Coast his home. He lives in Paso Robles, California, with his wife, Kandi, and their two children, Amber and Wyatt. 

Jason, a patriotic defender of the U.S. Constitution and our nation’s heritage, is fond of saying he “embraces his ‘unalienable rights’ to ‘Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.’” The outdoor lifestyle is also in Jason’s blood. He comes from a long line of sportsman in his family and values passing on the tradition to his children, as his father had done for him.

