Once again, CBS News hasnt gone far enough in addressing the institutional problem of liberal bias within its ranks. Both CBS News President Andrew Heyward and Evening News Anchor Dan Rather had to sign off on the anti-Bush story that CBSs own panel has concluded was inaccurate and unfairand yet neither man has been held accountable.
The network aired this story with the full intention of destroying President Bush and both Mr. Rather and Mr. Heyward were complicit in this action. Forcing their underlings to fall on the sword for them betrays a Nixonian complex at the highest levels of CBS News management.
Making producer Mary Mapes the scapegoat misses the point. And calling on CBS reporters to better adhere to their networks Standards manual will not solve the problem. This story was a political hatchet job, based on forged documents, and it was broadcast to the American public because of the liberal bias entrenched at CBS.
Related Items:
Dan Rather in Crisis
"The Ten Worst Media Distortions of Campaign 2004," with 6 from CBS
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