ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- The Media Research Center today marked the 20th anniversaries for both ABC World News Tonight News anchor Peter Jennings and NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw this Friday, September 5, by releasing two reports featuring the most biased quotes from two of the most powerful men choosing the news for citizens of the most powerful nation on Earth.
On the bias Richter scale, Mr. Brokaw is about a 4.5 while Mr. Jennings is off the charts, but both have used their powerful bully pulpits not to report, but to promote liberalism and big government. Their decades of bias have led to a massive hemorrhaging of their audiences and given birth to Fox News, talk radio and best-selling books about liberal media bias, said MRC President Brent Bozell.
Samples From the MRCs Reports: Bias from Peter Jennings and Tom Brokaw
Imagine a nation full of uncontrolled two-year-old rage. The voters had a temper tantrum last week....Parenting and governing dont have to be dirty words: the nation cant be run by an angry two-year-old. Jennings, in his daily ABC Radio commentary (for which he later apologized), after Republicans won full control of Congress for the first time since the 1950s, 11/14/94.
Tonight we have put the best child care system in the world on the American Agenda. That is to say, the system which is acknowledged to be the best outside the home. Its in Sweden. The Swedish system is run and paid for by the Swedish government, something many Americans would like to see the U.S. government do as well. Jennings, on World News Tonight, 11/22/89.
I think Gorbachev is a great man in the 20th century because he forced his country to look at the hypocrisy and the fraudulence of communism and to begin slowly to make a turn away from it....He can still light up any room that he walks into. The eyes are flashy, you know, and the great command of the language and the feel that he has, the very physical presence of him. It's still fun to be around him. Brokaw, from the PBS talk show Charlie Rose, 5/2/96.
When NBC Nightly News continues: in Washington, if they cut food stamps, who doesn't eat? Brokaw, echoing false Democratic claims the GOP would cut food stamps, 3/22/95.
Related Items:
Reality Check: 20 Years of Bias From ABC's Peter Jennings
Media Reality
Check: Marking Tom Brokaw's Twenty Years of Tilt
News Tonight with Peter Jennings: 20 Years of Liberal Bias
Years on the CBS Evening News: Dan Rather's Liberal Bias
To view the reports in their entirety visit www.mediaresearch.org, and to schedule an interview with Mr. Bozell contact Katie Wright at (703)-693-5004, ext. 132.