Politicization of Sports Entertainment Continue to Damage Viewership

RESTON, VA -- Media Research Center (MRC) Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor issued the following statement in response to a new Media Research Center/McLaughlin & Associates poll, gauging public opinion about politics in sports and entertainment media.

The survey found that when watching live sports or entertainment shows on television, 74 percent of likely voters said they are “trying to get away from politics and do not want to be bombarded with partisan political messages,” and 43 percent said they were less likely to watch live sports and entertainment shows because they have become too political.

Additionally, participants who claimed they are watching less NFL football this year cited the top two reasons as being “tired of the political statements” associated with the NFL and the “political agenda of the announcers and players.”

The 74 percent figure remains consistent with an earlier poll conducted by the Media Research Center/McLaughlin & Associates last March, where 75 percent of voters agreed with the same statement. The polling data proves a steady attitude of discontent from likely voters towards the issue.

MRC’s VP of Business and Culture Dan Gainor said:

“TV executives should be worried about the disastrous effect that the increasing politicization of live sports and entertainment shows is having on television ratings, as well as our culture. Individuals used to enjoy these fun events to get away from news and politics. Now, athletes and celebrities bombard all of us with left-wing politics, mock our faith and protest our nation. Regular Americans are sick of it and they should be. If live sports and entertainment shows want to restore their viewership ratings, they need to stick to entertainment and stop trying to jam liberal activism down our throats.”

Read more here. 

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