Mr. Ron Fournier
Washington Bureau Chief
Associated Press
1100 13th St NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
Mr. Fournier:
I was disturbed by reading an Associated Press story out of your
bureau late Friday that used Democratic propaganda to demonize Rush
Limbaugh and make him appear nasty and disrespectful for suggesting
the same thing that Democrats on the Hill have been suggesting for
months: that a health care bill would be named after Senator Ted
Kennedy. As such, I appeal for you to correct and update the story
given the journalistic standards that you and the Associated Press
are committed to upholding.
The story titled "Democrats blast Limbaugh for comment on Kennedy"
led with the accusations by Brian Wolff, executive director of the
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), charging that
Rush Limbaugh made "outrageous and reprehensible" comments in
suggesting that "a health care proposal will be named in memory of
Senator Ted Kennedy who is battling brain cancer."
Except the story omits a key fact: it was Democrats themselves
who first suggested this naming months ago, not Rush Limbaugh or any
other conservative for that matter.
A little research would have found a story dated January
13, 2009 that reported:
"A spokeswoman for one of the architects of a national health care bill said that any legislation that emerges would be named after Kennedy."
That spokeswoman, as later identified in the piece, is Jude McCartin, a spokeswoman for Democratic Senator Jeff Bingaman who is also a member of Kennedy's committee. She continued:
"He wouldn't name it for himself, but the majority of the body working on the legislation would say he's devoted his life to it ... Now that we're on the verge of doing something major, the naming of the legislation should reflect his longstanding involvement."
Is this not extremely relevant to the
story? And is there any reason it was omitted?
The DCCC posted a deceptive blog and statement by Wolff on its
website on Friday that accused Limbaugh of demonizing Sen. Kennedy.
While disappointed by this fabrication, we're not surprised as it is
the kind of tactic we've come to expect from the Democratic
leadership. But if your bureau used this posting for content as
appears to be the case, you owe both an apology to Rush Limbaugh and
an immediate update to correct the record.
Since taking over as Washington bureau chief, you have consistently
called for accountability journalism, stating that it is the AP's
goal to make it "a consistent theme in our coverage of public
affairs, politics and government" as "we have unmatched resources
and expertise in every state" [source:
Politico ] This smear story against Limbaugh lacks both
accountability and credibility and appears to be carrying water for
the Democratic Party.
Further, this was not just a simple late Friday post; it was read
over countless broadcast affiliates over the weekend as they have
come to rely on the weight of the AP in reporting accurately. You
cannot take back the damage that has already been done, but you can
and should correct the record, issuing an update that includes
asking the DCCC spin doctor Brian Wolff if he plans on criticizing
fellow Democrats for suggesting back in January that they name
health legislation after Limbaugh.
L. Brent Bozell, III
President and Founder
Media Research Center
UPDATE: Monday afternoon, AP's Ron Fournier sent the following response to Brent Bozell, which he asked to be put on the record:
Saying that a bill should be named after Sen. Kennedy is different from saying the bill will be named after the late Sen. Kennedy. (As Rush Limbaugh put it, "Before it's over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health Care Bill.")
To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen O'Boyle (x. 122) at (703) 683-5004.