Alexandria, VAOn MSNBCs Countdown
Wednesday, host Keith Olbermann, in a derisive 12-minute rant,
claimed that President Bush was responsible for inspiring domestic
terrorism against his critics and further suggested that Bushs
supporters are like the pro-slavery congressman who used a cane to
attack anti-slavery Senator Charles Sumner in the 19th century. Yet
the liberal media, who constantly remind the American public about
alleged hate speech on the political right, are not talking about
Mr. Olbermanns remarks.
Mr. Olbermann, addressing President Bush, said: You instructed no
one to mail the fake Anthrax [received by Olbermann], nor undermine
the FBIs case, nor call for the execution of the editors of the New
York Times, nor threaten to assassinate Stephanie Miller, nor beat
up a man yelling at Senator George Allen, nor have the First Lady
knife Michael J. Fox, nor tell John McCain to lie about John Kerry.
No, you did not, sir. And the genius of the thing is the same as in
King Henry's rhetorical question about Archbishop Thomas Becket:
Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest? All you have to do,
sir, is hand out enough new canes.
In response to Mr. Olbermanns hateful comments and the hypocritical
silence of the liberal media, MRC President Brent Bozell issued the
following statement:
Mr. Olbermanns comments are beyond partisan. They are radically
extreme and hateful. If any conservative even came close to the
tenor and bitterness of Mr. Olbermanns rhetoric, the liberal media
would assail them as hate-mongers who are dividing the country. And
if he worked for a network, hed be fired immediately or look at
Michael Savage who, incidentally, was fired from MSNBC. But when a
leftist like Mr. Olbermann spews his venom, the liberal media say
This is despicable. Mr. Olbermann is using his national program to
hatefully savage the President with personal smears in order to help
Democrats win in next weeks election. This is why the top liberal
media are silent. A brown-shirted left-winger spews hate from an
NBC-owned podium: Thats the face of liberal media today.
o schedule an interview with MRC President Bozell or an MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen OBoyle (x. 122) at 703.683.5004.