Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell issued the following statement on Tuesday in response to CNN's lawsuit against the White House:
"CNN's lawsuit is ridiculous. I am, and have always been, a defender of the Constitution and the First Amendment. That said, no one reporter has a constitutional right to access the press briefing room. It's the prerogative of the White House to decide who gets a pass and who does not.
Let me be clear: Jim Acosta is not a reporter; he is a left-wing activist. He has proven on countless occasions that he is more interested in disrupting and debating the President than asking serious questions. As far as the administration is concerned, CNN is not a news organization but a political hit squad for the far left. I am sure Jim Acosta's press pass would be restored if he proved himself capable of playing the role of a respectable journalist like nearly every other correspondent in that room. Until that happens, the White House's decision to suspend Acosta is absolutely justified."