Alexandria, VA - This Tuesday, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell will unite with seven of the nation's top conservative organization - collectively representing more than 15 million Americans - to hold their own State of the Union Address in a live webcast expected to draw one of the largest viewerships in webcast history. The event is designed to give the American people a chance to respond to the President's address and declare their views and concerns of where the country is headed.
WHO Media Research Center
Family Research Council
THE New Voice
The Institute for Liberty
Americans for Prosperity
Concerned Women for America
TEA Party Patriots
* Co-hosted by Allen Hardage of and nationally recognized talk radio host Herman Cain
WHAT "State of the Union, Voice of the People" live webcast
WHERE Online webcast broadcast from the Family Research Council
Register for this free event at
WHEN Tuesday, February 2, 2010
8:00 PM ET
WHY To allow Americans to respond to the President's address and challenge his Administration to adhere to the will of the people. Registrants are encouraged to send a short, five-minute video response to
"The President made it clear last night that he is not interested in the will of the people, who are sick and tired of being ignored by their elected officials and lied to by the 'news' media," stated Brent Bozell. "They will have a chance to be heard on February 2nd."
WHO Media Research Center
Family Research Council
THE New Voice
The Institute for Liberty
Americans for Prosperity
Concerned Women for America
TEA Party Patriots
* Co-hosted by Allen Hardage of and nationally recognized talk radio host Herman Cain
WHAT "State of the Union, Voice of the People" live webcast
WHERE Online webcast broadcast from the Family Research Council
Register for this free event at
WHEN Tuesday, February 2, 2010
8:00 PM ET
WHY To allow Americans to respond to the President's address and challenge his Administration to adhere to the will of the people. Registrants are encouraged to send a short, five-minute video response to