ALEXANDRIA, VA - While interviewing
Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward on Sunday's
60 Minutes, anchor Scott Pelley implied that President
George W. Bush and the United States were to blame for the
murders of innocent Iraqi civilians.
Woodward quoted President Bush: "I don't understand that the
Iraqis are not appreciative of what we've done for them," namely
liberating them. To which Pelley responded: "But tens of
thousands of innocent Iraqis had been killed in the invasion and
through the occupation. He (Bush) didn't understand why they
might be a little ungrateful about what had occurred to them?"
MRC President L. Brent Bozell, III:
"Scott Pelley and CBS should be ashamed. Blaming the U.S. for the terrorist murders of Iraqi civilians is abhorrent, and Pelley and CBS owe President Bush and every member of the American military an abject and full apology for this egregious slight.
"Pelley was doing nothing more than channeling liberal hatchet sites like MoveOn.org with this ridiculous implication. He and CBS apparently forget the hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis slaughtered by the Saddam Hussein regime we ended with what Pelley condescendingly calls our 'occupation.' These people say Bush is out of touch, yet they remain oblivious to the success these troops and their commanders have delivered.
"Our soldiers have performed heroic and seemingly impossible feats in the face of these evil insurgents, all while standing between them and their Iraqi civilian targets. For Pelley and CBS to assign blame to these defenders of the innocent is beyond shameful."
To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen O'Boyle (x. 122) at (703) 683-5004.