On Thursday night’s Kelly File, Jorge Ramos doubled down on his recent defense that journalists should ditch neutrality in their coverage of the 2016 presidential election contest. Specifically, Ramos defended his anti-Trump statements from his platform as an anchor at Univision and Fusion, condemning Trump as an anti-Hispanic, anti-immigrant racist. But perhaps more egregious is his call in his latest Time magazine column encouraging everyone, including other journalists, to take the same political stance as he is taking: “It doesn’t matter who you are—a journalist, a politician or a voter—we’ll all be judged by how we responded to Donald Trump. Like it or not, this election is a plebiscite on the most divisive, polarizing and disrupting figure in American politics in decades. And neutrality is not an option.”
With Univision nightly news anchor Jorge Ramos now openly taking sides in the U.S. presidential election, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell is calling on Univision to remove America’s best known Hispanic newsman from the network’s nightly news anchor desk.
Statement by Media Research Center Brent Bozell:
“By deciding to openly take sides and urging all journalists to be as unethical as he is in his coverage of this year’s U.S. presidential election, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos has rendered himself incapable of serving as a credible, impartial news anchor for Univision’s millions of viewers. At the very least, Univision should remove Ramos from the network’s national evening news anchor chair, from now through Election Day. If Jorge Ramos has any sense left of professional integrity, he should tender his resignation and pursue his new passion, as an anti-Trump, pro-Clinton political activist.”'
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Statement by MRC Latino Director Ken Oliver-Méndez:
“Talking with Time magazine back in 2014, Jorge Ramos recognized that “with the political positions I have been taking lately, obviously I am running the risk of losing credibility.” By deciding to openly take sides in this year’s U.S. presidential election, Jorge Ramos now needs to face the full consequences of losing whatever credibility he had left as a journalist. He certainly no longer deserves to be seen by his viewers as an impartial, unaligned and credible source of news.”
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