ABC News Plays Liberal Musical Chairs with Stephanopoulos, Sawyer and Gibson
Alexandria, VA - To coincide with the many changes at ABC News that begin today with George Stephanopoulos accepting the offer to replace Diane Sawyer as co-host of Good Morning America, the Media Research Center (MRC) has unveiled their freshly updated Profiles in Bias of both left wing icons, as Sawyer will step into the World News anchor shoes of Charles Gibson later this month.
These profiles document the 12 years that Stephanopoulos has dedicated to left wing advocacy and more than 10 years Sawyer has delivered on-camera at ABC. From lavishing praise to liberals like Nancy Pelosi, the Clintons and President Obama to undermining conservatives and pushing their personal policy agendas, both anchors have provided endless examples to cite. These Profiles in Bias also include more than a dozen videos of on-camera lowlights.
• George Stephanopoulos: ABC News' In House Spin Doctor
• Diane Sawyer: Good Morning, Liberal Spin
MRC President Brent Bozell responded to these network changes:
"This is nothing more than a pathetic game of lefty musical chairs. The All Barack Channel has managed to keep all their liberal blood in the family, rotating anchor chairs and ensuring the same left-wing cheerleading and conservative bashing will continue in their network morning and evening hours for years to come.
"And for their fellow liberal media elite who laugh at conservative criticism of ABC's poor choice in promotions, I offer you this comparison. Imagine Karl Rove as co-host of Good Morning America. Or as anchor of World News.
"Still laughing? I didn't think so."