MRC’s Bozell Unloads: Lester Holt Failed With Flying Colors

After Lester Holt’s transparently biased performance on Monday night as debate moderator, the Media Research Center’s Brent Bozell on Tuesday released the following statement about Holt’s actions during the debate: 


"Lester Holt asked Donald Trump about his taxes and then challenged him on his answer. He asked him about stop and frisk and then challenged him on his answer. He asked him about the birther issue and then challenged him on his answer. He asked him about Iraq and then challenged, interrupted, or fact-checked him five different times. For Hillary, there was not one single challenge to anything she said. Not one tough question on anything she said, not one question on a controversy, be it Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation, the e-mails, or her medical records. Holt did the bidding of his colleagues in the media, revealing himself to be nothing more than a pawn of Hillary’s campaign. Last night was Holt’s Candy Crowley moment. No wonder the trust in the media is at an all-time low according to Gallup. The media’s credibility is so badly damaged that Rasmussen found most voters predicted before last night that the moderators would give a helping hand to Hillary. And they were right."