Media Research Center - Press Release - September 23, 2002

NBCs Russert on Personal Campaign
to Repeal Bushs Tax Cut

Biased: 44 Questions This Year About Repealing The Tax Cut,
Zero Questions About Accelerating Or Expanding It

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ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell today chastised NBC Meet the Press moderator Tim Russert for going on a personal campaign to repeal President Bushs tax cut.

On yesterdays show, Tim Russert asked his 41st, 42nd, 43rd, and 44th questions this year about repealing the tax cut 44 questions from the liberal point of view. To date, he has not asked a single question of any guest about accelerating or expanding the tax cut, which is the conservative point of view. Mr. Russert is usually tough on guests, even -handed on issues, but on the tax cut he has been completely biased, Bozell said.

From Yesterdays Meet the Press, Questions 43 and 44

Russert, to Colorado Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Ted Strickland: Mr. Strickland, would you be supportive of freezing or postponing the Bush tax cut in order to raise revenues to help fight the war in Iraq?

Russert, to U.S. Senator Wayne Allard (R-Colo.): How are you going to pay for the war in Iraq without, would you suggest, holding off on the tax cut?

From Last Weeks (September 15) Meet the Press, Question 40

Russert, to U.S. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.): Can we afford a war in Afghanistan or in Iraq and the Bush tax cut?