Top leaders of the new Citizens Against Religious Bigotry (CARB), the coalition created in response to "JC," an animated series in development by Viacom's Comedy Central that is being created as a situation comedy about God and his son, Jesus Christ:
• Brent Bozell - Media Research Center president
• Tony Perkins - Family Research Council president
• Michael Medved - Nationally syndicated talk radio host
• Bill Donohue - Catholic League president
• Tim Winter - Parents Television Council president
• Rabbi Daniel Lapin - The American Alliance of Jews and Christians
Tele-news conference to:
• Denounce "JC" and the concept of glorifying religious bigotry as Comedy Central openly mocks and disparages God and Christianity yet takes every precaution to not attack Islam
• Release the joint coalition letter to companies that have advertised on Comedy Central in the past, urging them to refrain from spending ad dollars on "JC" as it is "an abomination purported to be entertainment"
• Unveil an exclusive, four-minute video mash of some of Comedy Central's most offensive portrayals of Jesus Christ and God to date as evidence of the kind of mockery we can expect from "JC"
• Announce when and how the coalition will release the names of those companies that have taken a position on "JC" advertising, and those who have not
"After we reveal the vile and offensive nature of Comedy Central's previous characterizations of Jesus Christ and God the Father, we expect these advertisers to agree wholeheartedly to end their advertising on Comedy Central and discontinue their support for unabashed, anti-Christian discrimination. Why should they be supporting a business that makes a habit of attacking Christianity and yet has a formal policy to censor anything considered offensive to followers of Islam? This double standard is pure bigotry, one from which advertisers should quickly shy away. After all, there are other avenues to redirect their advertising dollars in places that do not offend and alienate viewers. We will reconvene in the coming weeks to share the results of our appeal and the next steps we will take."
- Brent Bozell, MRC President
Thursday, June 3
9:30 AM ET
For access to dial-in to the tele-news conference
Contact Colleen O'Boyle (ext. 122) or Mary Beth Hutchins (ext. 105) at 703-683-5004
For a complete list of Citizens Against Religious Bigotry members, visit: