Alexandria, VA The top liberal media are
extensively reporting on the Bush Administrations replacement of
eight federal attorneys in 2006, calling it a political scandal and
relaying demands by Democrats for the resignation of U.S. Attorney
General Alberto Gonzales. But this same liberal media treated the
firing of 93 U.S. prosecutors by President Clinton and Attorney
General Janet Reno in 1993 as largely routine, and did not fuel
demands for Renos resignation.
This blatant double standard in coverage further confirms the fact
that the top media in America are liberally biased and committed to
promoting liberal Democrats and denigrating conservative
Republicans. In reference to this liberal media hypocrisy, Media
Research President Brent Bozell issued the following statement:
The replacement of federal prosecutors, who are political
appointees in the first place, happens with nearly every
Administration yet the liberal media are treating Bushs actions as
some sort of shocking political scandal poppycock! The Bush
Administration fired eighteight!U.S. attorneys while the Clinton
Administration fired 93 of them. The liberal media are screaming
about Bush but, by and large, yawned about Clinton. The double
standard is nauseating.
The Washington Post says, Bush Firings Had Genesis in White
House. Well, so did the Clinton firings, but The Post called those
routine. The New York Times has hyped the Bush and Gonzales
story but completely ignored the Clinton-Reno firings. And so have
ABCs Good Morning America, ABCs World News with Charles
Gibson, and other top liberal media.
The liberal media are promoting the agenda of liberal Democrats on
this attorneys issue, and the double standard, the rank hypocrisy
is evident for the world to see. This type of grossly slanted
coverage only further erodes the credibility of the networks and the
top newspapers.
schedule an interview with MRC President Bozell or an MRC
spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen
OBoyle (x. 122) at 703.683.5004.