Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell has joined more than twenty conservative leaders issuing a statement condemning Facebook’s failure to address conservatives’ concerns that the social media giant is censoring their content.
On Thursday, Bozell, along with fellow members of MRC’s Free Speech Alliance and other prominent conservatives, issued the following statement denouncing both Facebook’s treatment of conservatives and former Sen. Jon Kyle’s impotent audit of Facebook’s practices:
Former Sen. Jon Kyl’s audit investigating Facebook’s anti-conservative bias is not only disappointing, it completely fails to address the many concerns and specific examples of bias raised by the conservative movement. Kyl spent more than a year hearing the concerns of reportedly 130 conservative groups, and in turn, shockingly left us with a hollow report devoid of substantive policy proposals. This audit is exactly the opposite of what conservatives were hoping for.
Facebook has listened to the conservative movement’s complaints and in response has invited us to pound sand. It’s insulting but unsurprising. Unfortunately, this is how Facebook routinely responds to criticism.
No conservative leader or organization should accept this as a legitimate response to the undeniable issues we have raised. This is purely another superficial attempt by Facebook to placate conservatives with empty promises.
L. Brent Bozell
Founder and President
Media Research Center
Christie-Lee McNally
Free Our Internet & Raven Strategies
Elaine Donnelly
Founder and President
Center for Military Readiness
Justin Danhof
General Counsel
National Center for Public Policy Research
Sandy Rios
Governmental Affairs Director
American Family Radio
Amy Kremer
Women for Trump
Charlie Copeland
Intercollegiate Studies Institute
Frank Lasée
The Heartland Institute
Tim Wildmon
American Family Association
William A. Donohue, Ph.D.
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Lewis K. Uhler
Founder and President
National Tax Limitation Committee
Joseph R. Gregory
Gregory Management Company, LLC
C. Preston Noell III
Tradition, Family, Property. Inc.
David Kupelian
Vice President and Managing Editor
Richard A. Viguerie
Rod Martin
Founder and CEO
The Martin Organization
Austin Ruse
Center for Family and Human Rights
Allen West
Senior Fellow
Media Research Center
Lady Brigitte Gabriel
Founder and Chairman
Act for America
Everett Piper, PhD.
Former President, Author and Columnist
Oklahoma Wesleyan University
Floyd Brown
The Western Journal
The Honorable Tim Huelskamp, Ph.D.
Member of Congress, 2011-2017
1st District of Kansas
R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.
Founder & Editor-in-Chief
The American Spectator
Jenny Beth Martin
Honorary Chairman
Tea Party Patriots Action
Gene Mills
Louisiana Family Forum