Brent Bozell Calls on CAIR to Add MRC to ‘Islamophobia Network’ List

RESTON, VA – MRC President Brent Bozell released the following letter (below) today to CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad asking that the Media Research Center be included on their annual ‘Islamophobia Network’ list for its long commitment to exposing the leftist PC culture that hides the danger of radical Islam. In his letter, Bozell highlighted the qualifications of the MRC as well as his strong ties to many of the prominent organizations on this year’s list.


Mr. Nihad Awad


453 New Jersey Avenue SE

Washington, DC 20003


Mr. Awad,

It has come to my attention that CAIR and the U.C. Berkeley Center for Race and Gender have made a regretful oversight in your latest report on Islamophobia in the United States. The exclusion of the Media Research Center (MRC) is disconcerting to say the least.

As I browsed the report, I noticed you included such great esteemed organizations and publications as Eagle Forum, The American Center for Law and Justice, National Review, The Washington Times, Concerned Women for America, Christian Broadcasting Network, and my dear friend, radio host Mark Levin (who also serves as Editor-in-Chief of Conservative Review) on your “Islamophobia Network” list.

To be sure, any list that includes such respected and revered organizations that have fought tirelessly against the leftist P.C. culture and fought tirelessly for the cause of freedom is one that should include the Media Research Center.

Why do I think the MRC is worthy of the honor of being on this list, you ask? Perhaps you’re not familiar with the work we do but we employ dozens of staff dedicated to holding the left-wing media accountable for their biased news reporting. The MRC has worked tirelessly to make sure that powerful members of the media know that if they fail to tell the truth about the existential danger of radical Islam, we will call them out. We have roundly condemned, and will continue to condemn those on the left and their allies in the media that mask the real threat radical Islam poses to America. Most importantly, we demand they report the truth about terrorist attacks including those responsible and their desire to destroy Western Civilization.

The MRC wishes nothing but the complete and absolute destruction of radical Islam.

Should you remain unconvinced that the MRC is worthy of a spot on your “Islamophobia Network” list, please feel free to call my office so we can discuss this matter further.



L. Brent Bozell III

Founder and President