April 4, 2012 - Last week, NBC’s “Today Show” doctored
George Zimmerman’s 9-1-1 call so that his motive for shooting Trayvon Martin
appeared racial. Over the weekend, NBC reported to The Washington Post
that an investigation would be forthcoming after the Media Research
Center exposed their
fraud. It appears NBC’s investigation has been completed. Last
night, NBC issued a two sentence explanation on it. Media Research
President Brent Bozell says that
this is as dishonest as the original piece.
reject this fraudulent apology,” said Bozell. “We're not surprised. After
all, NBC 'investigated' itself. We again call on Comcast, not NBC, to
investigate this matter -- thoroughly, honestly, and professionally.”
NBC’s apology, they stated that an “error” was made and that they “deeply
regret” it. "There was no 'error,' as if a 'mistake' was made. This
was a willful distortion, deliberately taking the quotes out of context in
order to twist their meaning and feed the narrative of a racist assault. The
level of dishonesty and journalistic abuse of the public trust is astonishing,”
contends Bozell.
the MRC issued a press release calling for NBC parent company Comcast to lead
the investigation stating that having NBC conduct the investigation is
equivalent to having Nixon investigate Watergate.
is unclear to me if NBC is laughing, or spitting in the face of the public with
that 'apology.' The 'investigation' apparently was as thorough and honest as
the explanation: two whole sentences of nothing.”
just calls it an 'error' which was 'made in the production process,' as if
someone hit the wrong key on a machine. Or maybe it's the machine itself that
is responsible,” stated Bozell.
stands by his position that Comcast must investigate NBC’s fraud.
“Comcast needs to come clean with the public: Who was responsible for doing
this? Who knew about this? Why was this done? What disciplinary measures will
be taken? How can the public ever trust this 'news' network again'?”
Bozell asserts that NBC has lost its credibility as a
news organization. "That final question is the most important. With
this farce of an 'apology' NBC has lost its credibility -- completely."
To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC
spokesperson, please contact Colleen Sullivan -
csullivan@crcpublicrelations.com or Hayley McConnell -
hmcconnell@crcpublicrelations.com or call (703) 683-5004.