ALEXANDRIA, VA - After NBC's Today Show cancelled an appearance of Ann Coulter, the nation's top-selling conservative author, reports quickly spread through the news circuits late yesterday that Coulter received an alleged "ban-for-life" from the network. Even while the report has yet to be confirmed, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell has offered his words of consolation:
"Ann, as a veteran banee from NBC, I can well attest to the fact that you will, in fact, survive this ordeal. I can also tell you that they're not very good at banning people, however. During a two-year period while I was banned from MSNBC, on three separate occasions I was invited to go on that network and each time had to remind them of my banishment. Be patient with them, Ann, and gentle, for they know not what they're doing.
"As for NBC, I have only one question: Have you lost your collective mind? Every broadcast network, yours included, is bleeding to death, your audiences abandoning you by the millions. The biggest body leaving is conservatives who correctly see you as having abandoned any pretense of objectivity in favor of a leftist political agenda. And how do you respond? By banning one of the best-known conservative voices in America. This is your commitment to political balance and the very idea of free speech, and the reason why, when the last of you leaves the building, you need to remember to turn out the lights."
To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen O'Boyle (x. 122) at (703) 683-5004.