ALEXANDRIA, VA - CNN has responded to the Media Research Center's call for CNN to retract an accusation that wrongly accused National Review's Byron York of calling Gov. Sarah Palin "incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt or all of the above" on the airing of The Situation Room on October 21, 2008. Reporter Drew Griffin read the quote to preface a question addressed to Gov. Palin, but the original context of Mr. York's full quotation revealed his critique of the media and their negative portrayal of the Republican candidate for vice president - NOT an attack on Gov. Palin on behalf of National Review.
But CNN has taken full responsibility for the mischaracterization. Yesterday, the cable network addressed the mistake on both Newsroom and The Situation Room, explaining the circumstances of the badly-worded representation of the statement and clarifying reporter Drew Griffin's intention, which was not to deceive his audience that a well-respected conservative publication was putting itself at odds with Gov. Palin. "I never really explained the point of the 'National Review' before she finished answering the question," explained Griffin on Newsroom, addressing the tricky timing of the discourse between himself and Gov. Palin. "...In no way did I intend to misquote the 'National Review.'" Griffin also made an appearance to correct his statement on The Situation Room saying, "Unfortunately, my question - I botched it. I misquoted York by using the word 'I' instead of reading his direct quote, which I had in front of me, which attributes the statement to the media."
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement:
"To its credit, CNN has gone out of its way to address and clarify the error on two separate occasions. We acknowledge this effort and are confident that the network has given proper gravity to the mischaracterization and taken proactive steps to correct it.
"We also take Drew Griffin and CNN at their word - that this mistake was not intended to mislead viewers to think a conservative magazine had trashed Gov. Palin. Conservatives have endured hundreds - even thousands - of examples of the media deliberately distorting our words and positions. In this case, there was not a deliberate attempt.
"As far as the Media Research Center is concerned, this case is closed."
To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen O'Boyle (x. 122) at (703) 683-5004.