But for the second time in a week, Chairman Copps called those who are concerned about its return "conspiracy theorists" who are engaged in "issue mongering" by "resurrecting the straw man of a bye-gone Fairness Doctrine."
Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell today reminded Chairman Copps of just some of the many members of Congress who have recently called for a return of the so-called "Fairness" Doctrine:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi |
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid |
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer |
Former President Bill Clinton |
Senator Chuck Schumer |
Senator Dianne Feinstein |
Senator Dick Durbin |
Senator Debbie Stabenow |
Senator John Kerry |
Senator Tom Harkin |
Senator Jeff Bingaman |
Senator Bernie Sanders |
Congressman Dennis Kucinich |
Congressman Maurice Hinchey |
Congressman John Dingell |
Congressman Louise Slaughter |
Congressman Anna Eshoo |
Mr. Bozell reminded Chairman Copps that last summer Speaker Pelosi would not allow a full, fair up or down vote on the Broadcaster Freedom Act (BFA) - which will prevent the FCC from reinstating the alleged "Fairness" Doctrine - and instead left it languishing in committee. Not a single Democrat - including two who were BFA co-sponsors - would sign the bill's discharge petition to get it out onto the floor for a vote.
And Mr. Bozell reminded Chairman Copps that he will soon be joined on the FCC by up to four new Commissioners (out of a total of five) who may not share his affinity for free speech and may vote to reinstate the so-called "Fairness" Doctrine.
So Mr. Bozell today challenged Chairman Copps to demand that Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid allow a stand-alone vote of the full House and Senate on the Broadcaster Freedom Act.
"I am most appreciative that my friend - FCC Chairman Michael Copps - has no intention of reinstating the anti-First Amendment so-called 'Fairness' Doctrine. But his statement that those of us concerned about its reimposition are 'issue mongering' 'conspiracy theorists' is off-base given the stated desires of so many members of Congress.
"When this many high-powered elected officials are calling for a return of the mis-named 'Fairness' Doctrine, and are actively opposing a vote on the bill to prevent the FCC from reinstating it, it isn't a conspiracy theory. It's a determination to shut down free speech on talk radio.
"The solution is simple: Chairman Copps should call on Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid to allow a full, fair stand alone vote on the Broadcaster Freedom Act. That way we will know once and for all how each member of Congress thinks - are they for free speech, or are they for the 'Fairness' Doctrine?"
To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson,
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(The MRC heads up the Free Speech Alliance, made up of sixty-six organizations dedicated to preserving the First Amendment and protecting talk radio from governmental regulatory abuse. The FSA petition for free speech can be found at