Bozell: CBS Must Come Clean on Fraudulent Memos - Press Release - September 10, 2004 - Media Research Center

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CBS News must come clean on this document scandal broken by, and must fully expose whoever is responsible for perpetrating this character assassination attempt on the President of the United States. If CBS felt it had an obligation to disclose information that might destroy President Bush, they have a double obligation to disclose whoever tried to employ them as accomplices in this character assassination attempt.

We do not believe Dan Rather and CBS were willing accomplices in this fraud. We do believe they were duped, duped by blind hostility against President Bush. It took only minutes to run the documents by three typography experts, all of whom immediately found them to be flawed. Why didnt CBS do the same?

CBS must report tonight how they got these documents and who provided them.

To schedule an interview with Mr. Bozell, or another
Media Research Center spokesperson, contact
Tim Scheiderer (ext. 126) or Keith Appell (ext. 112) at (703)-683-5004