WHO: Joe Scarborough, Ann Coulter, Joe the Plumber, Andrew Breitbart and other conservative luminaries will present and accept DisHonors "awards" at the annual gala hosted by Brent Bozell and the Media Research Center. Conservative leaders Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin were among the 10 judges to select the award "winners." More than 1,000 guests will be in attendance.
WHAT: MRC's annual DisHonors Awards Gala, an evening dedicated to "honoring" the worst reporting of 2008 with witty presentations, mock "acceptance" speeches, comedic video compilations and celebrity photo opportunities.
The third annual "William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence" will be presented to Fox News' Brit Hume.
WHERE: Grand Hyatt Washington
1000 H Street NW
Washington, DC
WHEN: Thursday, March 19, 2009
6:00 PM - General Reception, 7:00
PM - Dinner
2009 DisHonors Awards To Be Given
- The Media's Messiah Award
- The Obamagasm Award
- Half-Baked Alaska Award for Pummeling Palin
- Dan Rather Memorial Award for the Stupidest Analysis
- 2009
Quote of the Year Award
To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson, please contact Tim Scheiderer (x. 126) or Colleen O'Boyle (x. 122) at (703) 683-5004.