ALEXANDRIA, VA – According to the Media
Research Center, both ABC and NBC continue to cover up President Obama’s lie
about Libya during Tuesday night’s debate. In fact, neither network covered
Libya at all during their evening broadcasts last night. Instead, both ABC and
NBC followed the Obama campaign's theme of the day in emphasizing the effort to
win over women voters. ABC touted Barbara Walters' "pointed question"
about abortion posed to Ann Romney on The
View, while NBC's Andrea Mitchell talked about Mitt Romney's "'binders
full of women' stumble in the debate.”
To date, neither ABC World News nor NBC
Nightly News has asked the obvious, fundamental questions about this
- If Obama was correct that on
Day 1 he said it was a terrorist attack, why did his UN ambassador say on five
different national interviews that it was a YouTube video that was responsible,
and who put her up to it.
- If he saw this as a terrorist
attack from the very beginning, why did the president himself blame it on a
video six times during a UN speech?
- Why has he made the statement
so many times, as has Hillary Clinton, as has Jay Carney, as have others?
Media Research Center President Brent
Bozell reacts:
inconceivable that leading into the final presidential debate focused entirely
on foreign policy that two broadcast networks would continue to spike Barack
Obama’s lie about Libya. Obama’s feigned outrage over Mitt Romney’s demand to
know why his administration lied to the American people about Libya over and
over is outrageous and offensive.
Crawford exposed Obama’s lie on CBS
Evening News the very next night. Her reporting proves that the liberal
media know what questions should be asked, and are capable of Telling the
Truth. ABC and NBC have zero excuse.
been three days since Obama lied to the nation on national television. The American
people are demanding answers to hard questions that ABC and NBC simply refuse
to ask because they want to protect Obama. ABC and NBC are a disgrace, and have
no credibility with the public.”
To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson, please contact Jeremy Little - (703)-683-5004