Alexandria, VA – The Media Research Center's President Brent Bozell sent a letter to House Speaker John Boehner today calling on him to jumpstart Congress into stripping the government-subsidized corporation of taxpayer dollars, following the latest outrageous violation of ethics by NPR.
The laundry list of offenses by NPR is long and robust, but the most recent revelation that NPR host Lisa Simeone is serving as a spokesperson for Occupy DC, the Washington-based effort of the radical Occupy Wall Street movement, has gone much too far.
A quote from the letter sent by Brent Bozell to the Speaker:
NPR is out of control, using taxpayer money to lend support to a sometimes violent and lawless mob set on crippling the financial backbone of our country.
NPR is not an objective, independent news broker. NPR is a shill for George Soros and other liberal funders, doing the bidding of these donors and acting in tandem with their political interests. And as you will see in the attached report, we have carefully documented such instances. NPR is a rogue operation which must be eliminated once and for all. It wasn't necessary, we can't afford it, and it continues to violate its own ethical standards of non-partisanship.